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Outbreaks- SHUT DOWN!


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They claim this virus is so deadly, they require EVERYONE on board to be "vaccinated".

Yet they are having outbreaks!

While discriminating against people that aren't interested in being part of this "shots experiment". By not allowing them to cruise.

Yet they are having outbreaks.


Or stop the "Discrimination", if the "vaxxed" are allowed to cruise, and take their chances at getting covid, Unvaxxed should be allowed to take the same chance, since it's been PROVEN the "shots" DON'T stop you from contracting covid.

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Have you had smallpox vaccination,  did you have the mmr? Why is gods name don't you have the vaccine,  unvaccinated people are now the majority of hospitalisation,  the rest are people that have had the vaccine but have other health issues that the virus affects.  I HAVE YET TO HEAR A VALID REASON AS TO WHY PEOPLE WON'T HAVE THE VACCINE  The classic reason from the unvaccinated is ' you can't tell me what to do'  Ok go ahead and catch the virus,  its called Darwenism,  look it up

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OK Cruiser, how about folks that have already had the damn virus and now have more NATURAL IMMUNITY than you ever have with the VAX and 3 or however many boosters that they come up with? Follow that science! How's that for a valid reason? Also, the real vaccinations you referred to took years to develop a safe, reliable, and effective product that the companies could stand behind. That's a little different situation than the current policy of NO responsibility for 75 years for what-ever happens if you develop problems because of their rushed science. 

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Kind of a no win situation commenting on a topic like this but here goes:

I think there are valid reasons to question the vaccines and no one should be forced to get one. I've been on two cruises since the restart, one of which was last month and required not only vaccination but pre-cruise testing. I took the vaccine because, to me, the good outweighed the bad and I wanted to cruise with my family.

I understand those that don't want the vaccine and, frankly, I don't care if you get it or not. Honestly, I don't care if you get COVID or not. If you are an adult, make your choice but part of that choice is the realization that without a vaccination, right now, you can't cruise. I realize that makes people angry, especially those who believe they have natural immunity. Understandable. 

My main reason for replying is this, I believe your anger is misplaced if it is directed at the cruise lines. They are trying to, no pun intended, stay afloat. It appears to me the the Federal Government is itching to shut them down again as demonstrated by the recommendation not to cruise that was sent out last week. There was not a valid reason to single out the cruise industry. As I stated I have been on two since the reopen and they are being very careful, especially the crew. (Still had a great time by the way). I believe the positivity rate is much lower than in the general population.

The industry has taken on tens of billions of dollars in debt just to stay alive and they really can't afford another shutdown. Just my opinion but they clearly do not want to do any of this crap but feel like they have to play ball with the CDC.

I know it is difficult for those who can't cruise right now but if they shutdown again you might not get to cruise for a very long time, if ever. Try to root for them to succeed here and by succeed I mean just survive. 


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