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I am not an Anti-vacc-er, however I do not want to get the COVID vaccine as it has caused so many side affects for people I know and I am convinced that it has killed 2 young healthy people I know. I am an avid cruiser and I have tried to get on several cruises and there is never any availability for unvaccinated exempt letter passengers. I want to take a cruise and since I am not getting the vax i am being punished, even when vaxed people are still getting COVID after only being around other vaxed people. When will the pharmaceutical extortion end?

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I agree completely.  The cruise industry is treating people who don't take the jab as 2nd class citizens.  There are no provisions either for people who were sick and have now recovered. Those who recovered shouldn't need a vaccine for something they now have natural immunity for. I will not cruise again until these draconian, facistic mandates for a useless vaccine end.

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I would have to agree with you both, my husband and I enjoy crusing and have spent alot of money doing so in the fast 12 yrs. My husband and I have done our research on these vaccine and will not get the jab, they have too many side affects.  We have 3 cruise on hold because we are not vaccinated.  What I do not understand is why we are being punished and the vaccinated ones are the ones getting sick.  I understand the cruise industry HAVE to follow what the CDC Dictates to them and they do not want any law suits.  But get guest test before they arrived, tested when they arrived with the understand if you are positive you will not board the ship.  Test often, this virus will not show up immediately.  My husband and I have to get tested weekly and we are always negative. The cruise industry is loosing so much money.  Just use common sense and stop this segregation of vac vs unvac.  When will this stop, the majority of the country do not wear mask anymore.  Give the option of wearing, do not dictate to the public.  We the people are willing to spend money on crusing.  This is just my opinion and I do not understand if you have accommodation for passengers that test positive, why are we causing at all.  Many recent and past articles mentioned that there quest 10 or so passenger that test positive and had to stay in their cabin.  

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The cruising CDC travel extortion will continue until the Biden administration is shown the door and all of the sheep go with them. If the vax is so damn safe and effective, why do vaxed people get the virus? Here's an idea, how about having, let's say, every third cruise on any particular ship, a NON-VAXED cruise! Let's see what would happen then! I would bet that the occurrence of Covid, if detected, would be no worse than the current rates of infection than you see on these all vaxed discriminatory cruises that we are witnessing.     

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@Iwannago  Yeah, for now there is no sight for this changing in the near future.  Vaccination is still a requirement.  There is some exception but only for kids that cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons.   There is a suggestion for a non vaxxed cruise, but this unlikely as well.  🤷‍♂️

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