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We just returned from Bermuda, it has always been one of our favorite places to cruise to. It's been 2 years since we last visited. When did the beaches start to charge you a fee? Elbow beach was $25.00 a person plus if you wanted a chair or an umbrella they were each an additional $25.00. I understand that maybe a small fee would be in order but come on, $25.00 pp is a bit much.

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Yes I agree that $25 fee is very steep. I'd simply refuse to pay it out of principle. Everything costs so much money these days, and to me there is no justification to charge that amount of money for things like that. A small family would cost a load of money. 

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I agree 100%, this was our 12th time to Bermuda. I learned about the charge before we left the ship so we decided to stay on board.  With that said I can't help but wonder how is the money being spent? Or is the Bermuda Government doing this to keep the beaches from becoming over crowded?

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@rindybar That's such a shame! When did Bermuda start charging like this? Possibly this whole system came into place after the shutdown. That's most likely. You clearly know Bermuda well. I haven't visited Bermuda since 20 years past. the money is likely being spent on repaying all of the are's losses. It just going to the pockets of those who lost when cruise guests weren't visiting. I don't think this per person pricing has anything to do will making the beaches less crowded. Some beaches will become more exclusive than others, and it will be likely due to the price points/proximity to the port/popularity. Many amenities like bathrooms/showers are attractive to guests because not all beach spots offer them. Personally, I find $25 per person too steep and I would look for cheaper alternatives.


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@rindybar Thanks for the insight. I will need to learn more about each beach's new price before I go. I would be pretty upset to realize that the costs have unexpectedly skyrocketed. I have a large family. Going to a beach that charges per person would make the experience over $100 for my family. I don't really even need all of those chairs, but an umbrella is a must. My family spends most of the time in the water or on the shore anyhow. Those are some steep prices, but I have read Bermuda is continuing to gain popularity even though it's not getting any cheaper to visit.

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I believe there is an element of everything that is posted. I believe they may have seen others charging fees and realised how much money that it brings to the economy and decided to jump onboard. If they double their money, then they are ahead. It will also keep people away from beaches amidst overcrowding, so it's kind of a win win to them. If half of travellers decide not to go to Bermuda because of the monies involved, then they achieved their goals of not having the amount of people on the island without losing any money, because the extra fee covers that loss.

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@LukeJ Bermuda isn't the only place that has started doing things like that. So many areas got into debt during the shutdown. It was a huge loss, and that's when cruise destinations had to figure out how to recover those losses. Keeping guests away from the beaches doesn't necessarily have a benefit. The only thing I think about is keeping the waterways crystal clear because of sunscreen. Reef-safe sunscreen is really important, and most guests don't use it. When guests wear improper sunscreen it really ruins the clarity of the water and the quality of the local reefs/natural habitat. Many Caribbean destinations request that guests use reef-safe sunscreen to preserve the marine life. 

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On 5/14/2024 at 2:58 PM, Cruising Caribbean said:

@rindybar Thanks for the insight. I will need to learn more about each beach's new price before I go. I would be pretty upset to realize that the costs have unexpectedly skyrocketed. I have a large family. Going to a beach that charges per person would make the experience over $100 for my family. I don't really even need all of those chairs, but an umbrella is a must. My family spends most of the time in the water or on the shore anyhow. Those are some steep prices, but I have read Bermuda is continuing to gain popularity even though it's not getting any cheaper to visit.


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I didn't think about suncream affecting the clarity of the water. It makes sense now you say it like that, and I can totally agree with you. From the UK, it's rare that we get much sun, so sunscreen is something we don't tend to think much about. I still believe it's very steep to charge people that fee as most will probably stay onboard rather than paying it. I understand there was a debt because of lockdown, and just think that a more pragmatic thinking outside of the box is needed instead. 

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@rindybar That's just horrible! The fact that you have to pay to get on aa beach and not use the amenities is quite silly. If this becomes the cost for each port of call's beach price, you may catch me walking off the cruise ship with my own personal beach umbrella. Unless there are trees at the beach (which is uncommon) shade is necessary but hard to find. I'm sure I could find a cheap, collapsible beach umbrella that I would get my money's worth out of pretty quickly. Considering I cruise quite frequently, it would be. great investment. 

@LukeJ It's a real thing! Reef-safe sunscreen is super important. The only downside to using it is that it typically costs a bit more than regular sunscreen. I agree. One thing to consider is that cruise ports are busier than ever before. It's a gradual rebound, but the areas will certainly rebound. It's happening as I speak! 

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Something I will have to look into next time we are on vacation. I used sunscreen for the first time this year yesterday while out with the family. No, I haven't been irresponsible, it's the first time we actually had the sun this year. It's been terrible, more so than usual. I do hope a good summer is coming. It's certainly due.

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@LukeJ It's so surprising to read you have just used sunscreen for the first time this year! I guess it's almost summertime and the sun should be out to play. Have any of your local flowers started to bloom yet? Putting on sunscreen must have felt so good! I'm sure after months of being out of the sun, a base tan is a must. Vitamin D is so important! It's really hard to be without it for that long. You really only have to worry about sunscreen when you are going into the oceans. The community pools/jacuzzis have enough chemicals to combat the residue that rubs off in the water. 

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Honestly, the weather in the UK is simply getting worse each year. It says a lot that we are happy just to see a week of sunshine. Already now we have some sun followed by torrential rain. So cruises are a good send to us really because at least we have a better chance of no rain while abroad. Moving to France would be something I would love, unfortunately the wife wouldn't move. 

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@LukeJ Is this all due to global warming issues? I don't understand why the weather is progressively getting worse there. I don't think people should be subject to such dreary weather. There are so many places in the world that are sunny most of the year. Quality of life is really important and I don't think it's worth it to be in such weather conditions most of the year. This horrid weather ends up being the majority of the year, right? How does the cost of living in France compare? I would move to France in a heartbeat! I don't blame you. Maybe over time she may change her mind. It doesn't seem like the conditions are getting any better. 

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People say it's global warming for sure, and even though I'm not 100% on the subject, I tend to listen to them if they know more about the subject than I do. I'm completely in the agreement of a condition that people get when it's not sunny and you're feeling down because of it. I too feel like that at times. When it's sunny, it gives you a lift and a spring in your step, and the complete opposite effect when it's grey, cold and wet. I find myself complaining more when it's raining and miserable, it's no fun.

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What ever excuse it takes to get you to uncork your wallet. It's likely every aspect of a recent cruise is more expensive than before so now everyone wants to ride the gravy train. Every indulgence in Bermuda carries a heavy premium but they provide a nice, safe experience. $12-$15 beer and $25 sandwiches goes along with all of these new costs. You'll find these dynamics in nearly all large US cities and tourist destinations. Living in Florida, we are always amazed how much families are willing to spend at Disney World. No matter how much they charge, they can't slow demand. 

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@LukeJ It's likely the reasoning. There has to be more to it, but the pollution issue is a real thing. The changes in moods when you aren't able to have exposure to good sunlight is a real problem. It's natural for us to be outside! I'm not sure how people do it in places like the Arctic or Alaska. I can barley stand a week of dreary days. I would completely consider moving back to a warmer climate and will likely make the switch in the coming years. I can't imagine being in a cold place for too long. It's no good on the soul! At least you are able to get outside when the weather is nice. What happens to many people is the weather is so miserable, they find themselves just staying in by habit and not going out enough. 

@Seaawgs That's right! Everything in Bermuda is coming in nat a heavy cost, but many other islands are like that! Disney World and Disney Cruise Line make such impressive revenue. Families with kids are willing to pay any premium to give them the magical experience of a lifetime. I would love to do that for my kids, but I'm not that big into the magic of Disney. I love the fun Disney offers, but I'm not into the magic, which is why I haven't splurged on one of the cruises yet. 

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Thank you both for your clarification. I completely agree with you. The weather is a massive issue. Even so if you're on a cruise. If you looked out of your cabin window and saw grey skies and rain, it would instantly put you in a mood. I know you have the whole cruise to keep yourself busy, but you still would like to take a journey outside at some point. It's only natural that we have fresh air running through us.

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@Seaawgs It does seem Bermuda's prices have really gotten step across the board. The thing about Bermuda is that they really don't have much competition. Because of it's rare location, cruises will continue to stop there regardless of the prices increasing. I haven't cruised there for quite some time, but I know it's as popular as it have ever been! 

@LukeJ Constant bad weather is no fun. It doesn't take long before I'm dreaming of my next cruise vacation during the colder months. Fresh air and open space is important. So many jobs require workers to be indoors, but getting outdoors is very enjoyable and relaxing. Personally, I can't work for more than a few hours without being in a room with a window nearby. I worked in a call center with no windows once for an insurance company. I lasted one month before I quit. There is no way I could be in a crowded room at a desk making good money with no windows in my office. I never knew how important it was until I went without. 

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@Kendall James-Vargas we have so many things in common. I used to work in a call centre for insurance company once many years ago. My family were wanting me to quit the hospitality trade, as they thought it wouldn't be as secure as a job than the insurance industry. I absolutely hated the job. I would never ever go back to work in an office to do a job like that again. I lasted six months and one day just walked and went back into the kitchens. 

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@LukeJ The insurance industry is great for some people! It's stable, comes with wonderful benefits and hours, and doesn't take a toll on your body, but it's so boring! I wanted to love it, but I felt like a hamster in a wheel, like a robot. It was such unfulfilling work! I have such a heart for helping others and using all of my other talents and gifts. This job felt so soul-sucking to me. That's the best way I could describe it. I could do an office setting, with opportunities to engage with others and diversify myself, but answering phones and the same problems over and over again is so mind-numbing. My grandpa did this job and made a killing! I wish I had it in me to work like he did. It had nothing to do with work ethic. It was literally my personality type that kept me from staying. You are I are on the same wavelength! I completely agree. 

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No, not for me at any point of my life. I'd rather be washing cars at fifty years of age than do that as a career. I am more of a hands on and creative than an office setter anyhow, but I don't think I can handle the public per say. It's different if your cooking for them, but the amount of times during the insurance job I received calls from clients who proceed to scream at me down the phone. Firstly, don't speak to me like that, it's not my fault you wrote your car off. And secondly it was their fault. It baffled me to why they were having a go where they ought to be deeply ashamed. 

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@LukeJ There are certainly different jobs for different people. A consensus across the board is that getting outside and moving your body is important. To me being outside is an important part of vacation too, even if it's freezing cold, I'm not interested in spending the majority of any vacation indoors. Some people are more tolerable to spend more time indoors or in colder environments but that isn't me. I want to have access to the great outdoors (preferably everyday). You have to be where you love and do what you love to do. Even if there is financial sacrifice involved. My husband has done things he doesn't necessarily enjoy to support our family, but we are finally getting to a place where he can have the freedom to do what he loves and live where he wants to live without feeling the burden of supporting our family while being dissatisfied. That's a huge win when you can get to that point in your life. It means focusing on what means the most to you while you are alive on earth. Life is too short to live it constantly dissatisfied. 

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