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Bye-Bye Ben & Jerry's...Hello Blue Bell???

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Absolutely agree. However it's not just the older generation I fear. I understand why they feel the need to complain as they have been used to a certain way for so long, and most people are sticklers for no change. I took sometimes get irritated if something gets changed, especially when it's been working that way, and the need to change doesn't work. But this generation Z that will complain about everything and anything, just so their voices are heard. It grates on me, that they complain and get offended by absolutely any tiny thing. 

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@LukeJ To be fair, each generation has its own thing. No generation is perfect. I agree that many older people can become stuck in their ways, and opt to complain when things change or don't go their way. It's true that Generation Z likes to speak their mind and create their own opinions/ideals, but I struggle with many of those perspectives being logical. Some of the protests about certain issues confuse me. I remember when protests for change were powerful and had purpose. I just don't see the evolution for change to be as powerful as it once was. That could be because the social issues fought for are being fought combatively versus peacefully. 

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The protesters I don't have an issue with, as it's their right to voice their opinion. As long as it's a peaceful protest fine. I may not agree with many of them myself, but as I say it's their right. However, there are some absolute horrible protesters that do anything to cause disruption and chaos and regularly break the law and nothing gets done about it. These are the ones that I cannot stand. How dare they try to ruin people's lives just because of their pathetic thinking and their ideology views. 

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@LukeJ I agree! A peaceful protest is fine, but it must be peaceful. The right to speak up and use your voice is pure freedom, a freedom many people just don't have. In fact, I think many people take that for granted. As long as everything is kept safe and kind, I don't care. I feel passionately that fighting fire with fire isn't the way. When campaigns or views become too aggressive, issues often arise, and it never works out for the greater good.

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It's why the brave soldiers in the war fought for our freedom, and many abuse that privilege. Protestors in general are fine, however there are some lately, especially in the UK that grate on people. Their antics are deplorable. Ruining decent people's lives and actions that have absolutely nothing to do with what their fighting for. And I don't understand because they are not convincing people to see their cause, but have total contempt towards them because of their pathetic behaviour.

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@LukeJ I value the independence and freedom I have so much! I'm so blessed to live in a safe environment where I'm not controlled by my governmental system. I definitely feel where you are coming from. I felt like many of my cruising freedoms were taken from me during the shutdown. It made me value cruising even more! I felt like the liberty of cruising whenever I was able was a luxury I would possibly never get back. If I have the opportunity to cruise, I seize the moment. Politics and issues can put a damper on some of my most valued past times, cruising! I will never take the luxury to cruise for granted again! 

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I guess you can't take anything for granted anymore. It's actually better to seize the day and change your whole philosophy. Politics despite not being at all interested in it, when it comes down to affecting my life and things, then I take a view. The one thing I'm most nervous about is the incoming government that is unpopular and has plans to raise our taxes. We already get ripped off on every detail of our lives as it is, and the extra hike may stop people enjoying themselves and have spare income for luxuries like cruising.

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@LukeJ I could never take cruising for granted! It's the absolute best vacation there is! Thankfully I have flexibility to cruise year round and I don't have to just stick to cruising in the summertime (when the prices are higher). There are so many different itineraries I would love to try, and hopefully I can get to explore every continent in due time! There is something so relaxing about not having to be your own travel guide or drive/navigate yourself from place to place. I love when the cruise line takes care of everything. I don't even have to decide where to have dinner! The meals are excellent and I show up to the MDR like a princess ready to eat. Waiting in lines and driving in traffic just to get to a dinner reservation on time won't compare to the luxury of walking up to dinner on a cruise ship. It's the best.

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