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Bye-Bye Ben & Jerry's...Hello Blue Bell???

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@LukeJ That's so funny. You painted such a hilarious visual. I'm glad you were there to save the day. I saw this commercial yesterday about how shameful it is for a dog to eat the same packaged meal daily. How come it's not shameful to give your gerbil the same dried food everyday? I don't get it. The fancy dog food is expensive! I guess if you get a pet you should be able to absorb all the costs to feeding it fancy food that isn't the typical dog food. Before you know it, it's going to be inhumane to give dogs dog food. The rights for dogs sometimes seem better than my own! 

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Exactly right, it's a dog. They can be made up, dressed and pushed around in a pushchair as much as people want, but at the end of the day, it is a dog. It's an animal and should be treated as one. There is even dog ice cream out now, it's getting ridiculous. As you state, they are eating better than humans now. I understand people saying they are companions, especially if you're lonely. I have no problems with that, but there must be a time where a line needs to be drawn. Until they start paying their way, helping towards the bills, then they should be only given good boy choc drops and count themselves lucky.

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@LukeJ The dog in a shower cap visual is quite funny! I'm also impressed the dog was willing enough to keep all of that gear on. I have seen many colored poodles lately. Have you noticed that? They are died different bright colors and then their hair is done in weird ways like a mohawk. Dogs are great companions because they don't talk back. For those that need a service dog and have a certified service dog, I think you should be able to bring it along as needed, but many "service dogs" aren't actually trained and certified. When you aren't actually using your dog for a service, I find it almost insulting to those who actually rely very heavily on their trained pet. Real service dogs are extremely well behaved too. Half the time you don't even notice they are there because they are busy working, helping their owner. Even in a dining setting trained service dogs don't beg for food and sit patiently and quietly right by their owner. 

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Yes I was impressed he sat there with his stuff on too. I think it's because he just gave up with things, that he never bothered to even fight it. A dog sitting there at a table begging is my biggest hate in the world. It goes through me. Sitting there whining, jumping up. Aaaarrgh.

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@LukeJ I want to see a dog in tap shoes. It could be on a got talent show for tap dancing. I would pay to watch that. If a dog was good enough it could be better than a human. Considering dogs have four paws and humans only have two feet, dogs have the upper hand. I think dog tapping is pretty humane. I have seen dogs trained to do lots of crazy things. Tapping could be an easy one with the right shoes! Everyone could enjoy that dog's service, the service of entertainment! 

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@LukeJ That would be an awesome song to dog tap too! Call me crazy but I would prefer to watch this dog tapping in action than a random singing act. I'm over those. We could get a little more creative couldn't we? If we dress up our dogs in raincoat and shower caps for fun, we can make them tap for our enjoyment too, right? I watch America's Got Talent sometimes and it's always fun to see the dog acts. It's particularly fun because the dogs never actually listen to everything the trainers say. Something always goes a little wrong, and that makes the act funny! 

Now that we are on this topic, I'm thinking what if America's Got Talent (AGT) was taken onboard a cruise ship? That would be so fun! I'm surprised it hasn't happened before! Maybe that will happen in the near future. It could be a perfect location for the finale. 

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@Cruising Caribbean too a point I can agree with you about the Talent show onboard, as long as they ban singing and dance acts. I'm bored to death of seeing them on these type of shows. I can admire dance and singers without listening constantly to them. I prefer a more of a variety act. 

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@LukeJ Maybe there could be a new dog policy onboard! You can bring your service dog onboard if you need it for a service or if it does a totally cool performance. I don't want to hear a dog sing, but I would love a dog performance! Now I found a use for the dog costumes. Your mom's dog could be famous! I can see it now, tonight's late night entertainment featuring "Puddles, The Puddle Jumping Dog." The dog could wear its costume! I would be more intrigued to attend that than a random singer serenading the ship with the same rock and roll or 70s/80s songs that seem to be performed on repeat. I agree that variety acts are better. It mixes things up and keeps things interesting. A variety show is more exciting and entertaining! 

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@Cruising Caribbean that does sound like a good idea. I can see many dressing up and putting on a show. Maybe have lots of dogs and do a doggie version of Riverdance. My nans dog was a really clever dog, and equally as thick. You could point your fingers as if a gun and shout bang, bang and he would fall over and roll onto his back as if he had been shot. 

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@LukeJ That would be so cute, like a dog fashion show! I haven't heard of Riverdance so I will have to look this up. Your nan's dog could have been a cruise showman, a superstar! I would love to see a cute trick like that. I'm so used to my family's dog. My family's dog didn't so much more than catch and sit/shake. Those are just the common dog things. It was an outside dog which made it such a smelly thing. I never wanted to pet him because he was so smelly. 

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@Cruising Caribbean Riverdance is described as a type of Irish dancing called stepdance, which involves very quick movements of the feet while the arms remain at the side of the body. It's beautiful to watch and choreographed fantastically well. It was very popular in the UK decades ago and still remains popular today. Yeah he was a clever old sole, where we would ask him to speak, and he would do some sort of a whining, bark attempt to get a treat.

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@LukeJ Thanks for sharing that! I have seen Irish dancing so I'm assuming it's pretty much the same thing. Does the UK have a big Irish influence? Would you ever have a dog of your own? It would be a burden to to find a sitter for the dog when you cruise though. I travel so much, having a pet would end up costing as much as another car payment. Unfortunately I don't have the capacity for that. I would rather spend that money on traveling for myself verses food, vet bills, pet insurance, and sitting for the dog. It's a big investment. Maybe that's why guests want to bring their pets on their cruises, then they don't have to pay for a pet sitter. Dogs are free onboard! Can imagine if you could cruise for free as well? Dogs have the good life.

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We don't tend to have much of an Irish influence, parts of Ireland are combined with the UK, so we would tend to share most things. I personally do not like dogs, and I won't have one in the house. It's an extra responsibility and to be honest, I couldn't be bothered with the rigmarole of having to look after the dog. I like keeping myself busy, and getting on with things without having to worry about a needy pet in my way. I understand that many people feel differently and they love the companionship of a pet, and that's fine with me, just not my thoughts.

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@LukeJ Considering how highly you spoke of your nan's dog, I'm intrigued by the fact that you do not like dogs! Dogs inside of the house are very different than dogs outside of a house. In the future, I would potentially have an outdoor dog. Dogs are messy. I already have too many children to clean up after. Having a dog to clean up after too would likely drive me batty. Their muddy paws get into so much trouble and then track dirt all over your home in a literal instance. I remember my family washing our dog and it running into the house and jumping/drying on out white sofa. It was painful to watch. The little dogs are easier to control, but they seem to be the ones with the highest vet bills. Their little delicate bodies can cost a fortune, and their lifespan isn't that long. 

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@Cruising Caribbean to be fair, he was a lovely little dog, very gentle, but at times could be a pain. I guess I didn't mind him because he didn't live with me. I only saw him when I went to visit my nan, she never took him anywhere we would go to. If we took her for food or go to see someone, then the dog stayed in the house. She would take him for walks afterwards. I don't like people that take their dog on every single journey, there is absolutely no need. My wife's uncle will bring his dog to the house of my wife's grandparents even though his dog is a very nasty, noisy thing and my son is terrified of it. We have to sit in the other room for the whole time and I find that disrespectful.

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@LukeJ I think all dogs can be a pain! He seemed to keep your nan great company though. Low-maintenance dogs for the purpose of companionship are important. It can be heart wrenching to be home all day without the ability to drive in older age. I get pretty sad when it comes to companionship in older adulthood. When you loose a long term partner, it's another huge emotional loss. You can loose a lot as you get older from ability to drive to cook for yourself. 

That's such a shame about your wife's uncle. I actually find that really annoying. Why do dogs have to take precedence over children? They are animals, children are people! People are getting more into dogs and less into children, our own kind! I understand dogs are lower maintenance (sometimes), but children are our legacy, our future. Do you plan to leave everything you worked so hard for in your lifetime for your dog with a lifespan of 10-12 years?

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Yes I tend to agree with you, and I find it completely disrespectful of him, but he his that type of person anyway, does what he wants, with absolutely no consideration of anyone else. Ive even said I don't understand why we are going to the house if that's the case. It seems stupid everyone in one room, and then me and my son sat in another. We may as well not go down and save my son some anxiety.

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@LukeJ Speaking of cruising dogs and ice cream, do you think some lines offer ice cream for dogs? My mom used to buy my dog little ice creams from the freeze section at the grocery store. They actually looked delicious, like human ice cream. I wonder if cruise lines offer dogs ice cream and/or if they would do that in the future. Considering all the concessions that are made for dogs at sea and the extra services provided for service animals onboard, this could be a minimal cruise offering that dogs and their owners would really enjoy. 

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@Kendall James-Vargas despite dog ice creams being really popular, and everywhere I go in UK, there are signs galore that promote this, I can't see them doing them on cruise ships. I could be wrong. Considering dogs aren't allowed on cruise ships, other than the service dogs, I can't see companies offering the ice creams for a very low minority. These companies are all about money, so it's not worth their time, effort and finance to do that. But then as I said, I may be wrong if someone knows any different.

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@LukeJ Thanks for sharing your perfective. I would imagine dog treats are already a thing onboard. If a cruise line could make money off of it, I feel like it's certainly a possibility. It could be one of those offerings that's kept under wraps, where no one really knows it's offered unless they ask about it. People spend more on their dogs than they do on themselves oftentimes. Many cruise lines say they only allow service dogs, but don't require any documentation to prove it's a service dog. This is where people bring their pets instead of service animals onboard. I get bothered by that, but if the cruise line isn't cracking down on its own rules guests will continue to break them. 

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@Kendall James-Vargas I wasn't aware that people sneak their pets on. I personally haven't seen dogs onboard my ships, apart from a few scattered service dogs. I am not completely surprised at that mind you, because people just do what they want these days, and sneaking a pet on because that's what they want to do other than following the rules is of no surprise at all. Cruise lines should come down hard on these people. Unfortunately we are living in a world where everyone is afraid to say anything in case it causes offense and distress.

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@LukeJ I wouldn't say it's sneaking if the cruise line is essentially allowing it. If you aren't requiring any specified documentation you can assume some guests may cheat the system. Unfortunately some guests are just looking for ways around the rules or choose to bend the rules. I don't understand this logic. If you don't like the cruise line's rules, don't cruise with the line. I find that reasoning to be more understandable. I agree that cruise lines should be cracking down on this rule, but I think it will happen in due time. Eventually the dogs on ships mentality is going to become bigger than expected and the cruise lines will have to properly enforce their rules. That's what happening with the wheelchair situation. The rules were too vague and no one was following them. Like you said, the cruise lines don't want to upset anyone so they tread lightly. 

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Unfortunately it's not just cruise lines, its the world that we live within. People are getting tired of it all with this selfish attitude and you can't tell me what to do society that's being brought through. I don't understand why we can't just go yes we can tell you what to do because this is our rules. If you can't accept that, then don't bother coming in. And as people who get offended, then why put themselves in that situation. It seems to be sometimes that they are looking for confrontation rather than trying to avoid it. If I went to restaurant that I didn't like, I would never complain about the food. I'd remove myself and go somewhere else. These people will continue to go to that restaurant and complain each time.

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@LukeJ What you said is really true. I think it's much harder for the older generation to adapt to these new customs and beliefs. I'm not really understanding of some of the changes that modern day society has adopted. Some of it is really bizarre to me. It's hard for me to support some of the changes that have happened over the last decade, although I would really love to! Some of it just seems insane. I'm not really sure how else to put it. I support for people to do what is best for themselves, but not at the expense of others, if that makes sense. When your personal choices begin to affect those around you in a negative way, that becomes more of an issue. If you are complaining at a restaurant each time you go, that hurts the livelihood of others! Many people rely on the tips and positive feedback/reviews from guests. When someone speaks negatively is hurts the waiter or waitress! That's not fair. 

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