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@LukeJ I was under the impression China was less restrictive. Some things are a big risk for harboring harmful bacteria, and for those reasons, it's better to stay away from some types of animal products. I have seen live octopus tentacles being consumed over the internet. People are putting them in their mouths while it's still moving! It's wild to me that people will pay for this experience, but it's certainly an uncommon practice. I would never consume anything that was still moving. Insects and bats don't even have substance! They are filled with bones and are merely crunch. All of the flavors probably come from the spices anyhow. I'm hoping some adventurous eaters chime in here. I'm even nervous to eat pork oftentimes. 

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@LukeJ Does the soy sauce make it come back to life? I thought the octopus was actually still alive! I had no idea this same effect happens to frog legs. Do some countries eat dogs? I can almost guarantee that would never fly in the US. Dog owners here take their ownership (or parenthood) very seriously. I have had eel on sushi, and it is tasty, but it's one of those food items that is hard to enjoy. Eels are just too hideous! They are almost too ugly to consume.

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@LukeJ It truly is bizarre! How do the muscles react? It must be raw and pretty close to its alive time. It's terrible to think about, but even the suckers on the ends are active. Another huge fear of mine in seeing this is what if the suckers suction to your throat? That could make you choke and die! Imagine if the suckers suctioned onto the inside of your esophagus and wouldn't release. That would be death by asphyxiation. I can't imagine it tastes any better raw than cooked either. I'm going to stick to fried calamari and the occasional calamari ceviche. No suckers should be in sight!

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I just looked up the Japanese dish in question, it had salmon roe and seaweed and some other things, with the highlight being the "dancing" squid on top. It's available on YouTube too, if anyone is interested in watching. It's bizarre to say the least.


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@LukeJ I have seen this "dancing squid" video too. It's so disgusting to think about eating this!! It basically comes to life. This does not look appetizing to me. I totally dismissed the salmon roe and seaweed on top. The squid is like trying to attack you while reaching for the seaweed. This is a hard pass for me. It's very interesting, but I couldn't put that in my mouth.


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@3Sisters I must admit, even I would find it very difficult to eat if I saw that move in front of me like that. I mean each to their own and that, but I'm fairly certain I could not eat anything that was dancing like John Travolta seconds before.

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@LukeJ Once you watch the video, it's hard to unsee it. How would you even catch a bite out of it? You would have to move your head in all sorts of directions to catch it. Can you imagine if you took a bite and it would actively move in your mouth? Just the thought of that is bugging me out. Do you think this new trend will make it onboard a cruise ship? I'm sure it's just a matter of time before it's offered onboard one of the expedition cruise lines. The sushi conveyor belt is adventurous enough for me!


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Oh wow, what a video, it startled me at first but then made me laugh out loud. What a weird concept, very entertaining but under no certain terms would I even be tempted to even eat that thing. I can't really see it making it onboard ships, as it's a very limited pallette that would be willing to even try.

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I don't understand how others are enticed by it either. It's just unappetizing. I'm glad you got a good laugh out of it at least. Fried calamari is thoroughly cooked, crunchy, and won't move in your mouth. That's the better choice in my book. You make a good point about this dish not making waves on the sea. Guests can be so picky when it comes to food. Lots of guests complain about every detail of the food quality onboard the ships, most of those guests are the ones with a pretty simplified pallet. I can't wait to eat the food onboard my next cruise! I usually opt to eat everything but the pate. It reminds me of cat food, but people rave about it. Once RCL treated me and my husband to a plate of hour devours in our stateroom that had pate on it. I couldn't stand the smell of it. I prefer to see the meat in full form but fully cooked and unalive. 


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@3Sisters I'm led to believe that it won't keep moving, like lord of the dance on your plate, but once the muscles stop spasm from the sodium in the sauce, it settles back down. At least I hope that's what they mean. It's all very interesting, and as you state, it's very hard to unsee. I wonder what other dishes of similar things is about? Has anybody seen anything anywhere in the world that could potentially cause a shock like this video?

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@LukeJ John Travolta on a plate is a huge pass. I have trouble believing the people who order this actually eat it. The tentacles are suction! Those things will suck if the muscles contract. I have come close to trying cricket tacos, but then I passed on them. I love crunchy things, but not when it's in the form of an exoskeleton. Have you heard of cricket tacos? I doubt it's something you would ever see at Guy's Burger joint.


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That's interesting @Cruising Caribbean the idea of you even wanting to try things is great. I haven't heard of cricket tacos, despite it sounding quite self explanatory. Where were you when this happened and what point did you think this is not for me? I think I would give that a go personally.

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@LukeJ Crickets are actually consumed in many countries believe it or not. It's said to be the sustainable protein for the future since cows "emit too many pollutants" apparently. I saw some cricket options on Amazon. You can purchase them in all sorts of flavors. It's obviously not for me, but they are known to be protein-dense. I will always prefer cow protein over insect protein, but I know that will soon be an antiquated mindset. 

This is where the Mexican taco dish is most often consumed. 


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You actually can buy crickets online for multiple purposes. Some of meant for human consumption, others are not. 


Here is a link if you want to do a little taste test. From smoky BBQ to chili lime, crickets can be filled with crunch and flavor. This is something that really doesn't appeal to me, but if you are adventurous in spirit it may be the best protein-packed snack for you.


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@LukeJ You are wild! I can't tell if this is supposed to be a joke or not. If I pulled out crickets at my BBQ my friends and family would laugh so hard at me. If I told them it was the more sustainable way, I think they would laugh at me even harder. As much as I think it's an interesting approach to food, I love beef and chicken. I will always prefer those over crickets. I don't know if my mindset will ever change but you never know! I try to be progressive, but I'm pretty suck in my ways. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

There was a slight tongue in cheek there, however if abroad and someone offered me them, I would consider it. I'm open for most culinary things, and will only try once even if I don't like it. It's important to broaden your horizons and try new things. We preach to our kids, good advice for ourselves too.

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@LukeJ I like your perspective. I always tell my kids to try new things, but I don't want to try new things sometimes. Crickets/grasshoppers are a good example of this. There is just no way that crunch is as good as the crunch of a potato chip. I guess my kids could look at a brussel sprout and feel the same way. I was invited to a hot pot experience for the first time next month. I hope they don't have dancing squid on the menu. I would be tempted to order it for the photographs but refuse to actually eat it! After this conversation, it would be hard to not order it!

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@LukeJ I'm so hesitant to accept this challenge. In fact, I'm so hesitant I browsed the menu to ensure it wasn't on the menu. I didn't see "dancing squid" on the menu, but I wouldn't be surprised if it popped up as a special. I wish I could be more adventurous. To be honest, as I get older I'm getting more and more stuck in my ways and I'm not very old at all. Children and the elderly can be quite similar when you consider certain parallels. One of those parallels are their pallets and food choices. Once you get stuck in your ways, especially at a much older age, you can expect to have your favorite (and only food options) down to a science. I see this with my aging mother! She's not even 60 yet (next year), but she knows what she wants and the way she wants it. If it's not exactly how she wanted it, she will send it back. These same rules also apply when I make her something. She's getting harder and harder too cook for. I have almost lost hope! 

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I wonder why our pallete changes so much. It's weird as somethings you used to try or enjoy, you never would like to eat again. It does intrigue me, the way our body and mind works. Years back, I would even do certain activities, now, the thought of it fills me with dread. I could never do them now, and it's almost frustrating as I would constantly do them back in the day.

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Very true, our bodies and mind do go through changes. Younger I'd be obsessed with playing football, every second of the day I'd be with a ball, now I can't stand the game. Don't watch it, follow it or anything. No idea why, just changed over the years. My favourite ingredients for dinner is all the green beans, where again as a kid I wouldn't dare have them near me on the plate.

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