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@LukeJ This is my first time hearing of a sugar tax! That's wild! That wouldn't fly in the US. I almost think the US wants its people to get sick so the pharma companies can benefit from everyone using life sustaining drugs. Pharma companies make wild amounts of money off the the unhealthy people here. The amount of people with diabetes and high blood pressure is sickening. As annoying as a sugar tax must be, at least your government recognizes it as harmful instead of recommending it. The US almost encourages sugars in the daily diet. We use products called pedialite when children are ill and pediasure when children are "too thin." The top ingredients in these beverages are high fructose corn syrup, oil, artificial colors/flavor, and water. I refuse to give them to my children although the pediatrician recommends them. 

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The UK just tax everything. Honestly it is disgraceful. Taxes are going up again to fill in a financial blackhole that the government have got themselves in. People are getting themselves in debt to help the government who are in massive debts. You are correct that big companies make money off unhealthy people and will continue to do so, that's why I was surprised they are planning on a smoking and vaping ban. The amount of money they make off people is eye watering I should imagine. 

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@LukeJ A sugar tax is intriguing! It's a cleaver idea. When did that tax come about? I'm interested to learn more. I see the value behind banning those things because of harm to people and the environment, but it's a money maker. Taxes are a great way to make money off of people, but if the people get upset about it, it's a different story. I hate to think that the government wants to make money off of people but it's unfortunately a logical perspective. 

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@Kendall James-Vargas I believe it came in around 2018. It's fairly new and an idea by the government to get another way of taking money off hard working Brits. I genuinely believe that we would be the most wealthiest people if it weren't for these masses of taxes. I'm all for being taxed, of course it helps pay for infrastructure and so forth that the country needs. We should pay some sort of taxes, no problems. But it's the amount of taxes and the pathetic little things that we are paying for just because the government waste the money and can't do their jobs properly is the frustrating part. Because they overspend on nothing, we are forced to pay more. The sugar tax alone brings in over £300million, and I'd like to know what they do with the money.

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@LukeJ Does this sugar tax apply to things bought prepackaged in store or does it also apply to desserts in restaurants? Does the sugar tax apply to all sugared drinks as well? I can't imagine how is could be regulated. It's very intriguing! I'm shocked that tax brings in £300million! Your roads and sidewalks must be immaculate. Do you have free public transit for all? Do you have free public healthcare for all? That's just wild. I wonder if eventually that tax would go away. As someone who isn't subject to paying such a tax, it seems a little ridiculous.

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@Kendall James-Vargas all prepackaged, especially drinks are raised. You'd be surprised what is taxed in the UK. Even petrol (or gasoline), the UK would be the cheapest in Europe pre tax, however thanks to this government, we are the most expensive petrol after it's gone through the tax process. We pay 40% of tax on it, so that's a big raise in price. The government claim that these prices go towards the roads, but it doesn't. You ask if our roads and sidewalks are immaculate, I wish I could say yes. However the realities are they are in a disgraceful condition. Honestly you would not believe how bad they are, full of potholes, with people falling over cracked sidewalks and cars damaged with the amount of potholes the roads have. The councils claim they have no money to fix them, yet we can't seek compensation for damages to our cars. 

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@LukeJ I guess desserts at a restaurant are an exception then. That's such a bummer you guys have to pay more for a treat! Wow,  the UK is the cheapest for petrol yet it's still marked so high! A 40% tax is crazy! I'm shocked. Is this supposed to be a push for public transit? What is the motive? How are you supposed to get around, biking in the snow? I find that insane. That tax is way too high! Gasoline over here is just the regular tax and the price isn't too bad. Everyone needs gas although there is a push for electric vehicles. I don't want an EV car either. Where is the money going? Is there not any transparency? It seems quiet off to me. Potholes in the roads should be taken care of with this kind of crazy tax. 

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We are in a bad way as a country I'm afraid. So many people are struggling for money, and I can't see it getting any better. Everything is just on stop here, nothing seems to be getting done. However there doesn't seem a lot we as a public can do. There are strikes, protesters, failing system, you name it. It's like a TV show lately ha ha. Still if you can't smile about it, you would be crying. 

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@LukeJ I'm reading through this so surprised. I didn't know any of this about the UK. You have taught me so much in these comments. It's easy to think that areas in Europe have it so good, but it seems like the UK government really isn't looking out for its people. Taxes that high should leave your area pristine and lovely. If you are paying that much, you should only have good things to say about the UK. It's not fair that you are paying and it's not benefitting the people. I hope things change for you all. Otherwise, how are you supposed to afford a cruise? 

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@Cruising Caribbean thank you for your kind words and we can only hope that the UK will regain it's former glory. It's not fair on all of us living here. Asylum seekers are at an all time high. Prisoners especially convicted killers are released early because we have no room in prisons. Our NHS which should be the envy of the world is an embarrassment, that simply doesn't work. Councils have no money, education is struggling due to lack of funding. There is no wonder people are looking to go cruising just to get a respite from the doom and gloom of the country. And if that means they get themselves into debt just to simply get away and have some enjoyment in their lives, then so be it.

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@LukeJ It almost seems many will be not wanting to live there and begin to move elsewhere. When things are that steep it will drive people out of there. It doesn't sound like a good longterm home if it continues to trend this way. Do you have hope that things will change? Have you considered relocating elsewhere? I feel sad for you to be in such a place that doesn't feel supportive of its residents. Has the housing market declined due to this? 

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Many people I know have left, friends moved to Australia for a better life. I don't blame them. I would move, but my wife is not keen on the idea. I think she will miss her friends and family too much. I get it, family ties are important to her. House prices are crazy and they keep getting higher and higher. I can't see how it can honestly keep rising. At some point there has to be a price cap. 

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