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@LukeJ I have no problem with confidence, but when it gets cocky, it's a different thing. You have to be resilient in the workplace. You can't let everything get to you like many kids nowadays do, but you also have to be willing to submit to authority. No one likes a know it all, particularly when they don't really know. If you don't get out of bed, you won't get anywhere. You have to start somewhere! Life will humble a person, but you have to be able to ride the waves. Newer generations don't seem to have the mental capacity to handle rough times. Maybe it's because they are being told they can do it all, but they aren't told how much work it really takes to make it! For instance, many people will never take a cruise in their life. My kids started asking for cruises instead of birthday parties/gifts for their birthdays. Now I love this idea, but cruises aren't cheap! They have it too good.

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You need confidence definitely, I'm all for that. The last thing you want is a child with self esteem issues, and when in sports, you want everyone to have that confidence to go out and do their best. But there is a difference as you say. I was brought up to believe in what you're doing, showing patience and resilience and if necessary go through rougher times in order to come out of the other side. I couldn't see it then, but now you come out of the other side, it really shows you that's the best way to live life and become a better person.

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@LukeJ Kids nowadays are something else! If there aren't things for my children do to at every waking moment they are bored. That's why cruises have always worked in my favor. I need to take my children on vacations with endless entertainment opportunities. They need to have options 24/7 with diverse things to do. For a week long vacation, my kids need more than one pool or space to play. I think this is why families gravitate to those mega ships. Personally, I don't need 4 water slides, but it certainly makes a difference for my children. Showing kids diversity really helps create a well rounded person. Many children are raised in a one dimensional world. It's important to take our kids out of the norm and expose them to other cultures/experiences. Cruises are such a great way to conveniently expose our children to more!

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You have a point. Saying that, I'm the same, and always looking to keep myself busy. My wife always tells people that she has to think of activities to keep our son and me entertained. That's why I have so many hobbies and sports to contend with, it keeps my mind moving. My son despite all his screens, has a few little hobbies too, and something for us to bond over, and to get a screen free time.

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@LukeJ I agree! Cruises are an excellent way to expose children to different areas across the globe. It can be so reasonably priced to take a cruise vacation in comparison to flying/traveling to and fro in other ways. The costs of flights are crazy nowadays and they don't include much of anything. When you cruise you stop so manny places with food, drink, and stateroom included in the price. It's certainly a posh way to travel. Screens are the future. I had to oblige with the home computer because typing is more important than print these days.

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I don't think I will use the airlines again after cruising. I hate airports and they treat us so badly I believe. We also have to get there early for them to usually to mess us about and then cram us into a space where sometimes you don't even get to sit next to your spouse and there are always some idiot onboard that will ruin your flight thousands of feet up. And for a completely ripped off price that airlines can't justify. I'd much prefer a cruise company that is quick, straight forward and onboard in no time where you can start to enjoy your vacation right away.

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@LukeJ As a cruise lover, I completely agree! Why would I opt to be forced in a chair to travel when I can transport while relaxing in a hot tub? It's so crazy to think about but when I fly, it's fast, but I have to stay bound to a chair. I can lay down out by a pool land still get to my destination while cruising. I totally love cruising more. I'm willing to fly to get on a cruise though!

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@Kendall James-Vargas not only is there no room on airplanes, but guaranteed you will end up with some idiot onboard that will ruin your flying experience. I was amazed how quickly it was to get onboard a cruise. For someone who detests waiting and queuing, I was rather surprised how fast and efficient the whole experience was. As soon as you got on, the vacation was literally there for you to begin. 

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@LukeJ I can't tell you how many times this has happened to me. Seriously once I was next to someone who clearly had not showered in months. Everyone onboard noticed, even the flight attendant who proceeded to spray her cheap perfume because it "stunk so much". The whole flight from South America to North America I was gagging, almost throwing up. I got off the plane so disturbed. The next day I took a pregnancy test and was pregnant for this ie first time. It surely explained the nausea. I will never forget that 5.5 hour flight. This is a true story!

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@Kendall James-Vargas oh we've all been there. That is disgusting that someone can let themselves get into such a poor hygiene state. It's horrible to think that the smell was so bad, it ruined your whole experience. I'm worried now though next time I feel myself nauseous, that I took could be pregnant ha ha.

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@LukeJ The thought that I could be pregnant didn't cross my mind, but I can tell you the smell is still vivid in my mind. I didn't realize your sense of smell is so heightened while pregnant. There are certain smells that still gross me out post-pregnancy, like this hot cocoa body scrub my eldest daughter liked. I threw it in trash. In this day and age, you just never know! Let's just say, I want to smell clean smells while traveling. I have never had an issue with scent while cruising. It's always pleasantly clean and tidy, nothing overpowering. I appreciate that about cruising.

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@Kendall James-Vargas it's funny how some scents can do that to a person. We all have a certain smell that can bring back good or bad memories. I'm quite partial to soda drinks, however there is one that I can't drink or smell since I was 10 years of age. It was on a school trip and I drank cherryade, and it came up as I suffered from travel sickness. Since that day over 30 years ago, I still can't drink that. Even the thought of that drink makes me nauseous.

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@LukeJ That's so true. I love seasonal scents like spices and baked goods. It reminds me of the holiday season and festive times with family. Cheeryade sounds nice actually! I haven't had that before in the US. Is it like Gatorade? I guess it's not so nice for you anymore. I don't like most sodas because they are too sweet for my taste. That's why I don't do mixed drinks like Pina Coladas. My husband can seemingly tolerate it all, but it will hurt my head even without the alcohol. What is your soda of choice? Do you drink multiple sodas a day? 

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@Kendall James-Vargas I had to look Gatorade up ha ha. I'm guessing from what I've seen, Gatorade is more of a sports drink I'm guessing, which could taste like cherryade if you think about it. It's flavours could be that of Fanta maybe if that would help you. Whichever way, I abhor the taste. I do have a sweet tooth, that is my flaw. And I do tend to like a soda when the occasion arises, something like a cola or a pepsi. I will only have the one drink if I can help it as I mostly stick to drinking water.

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@LukeJ This goes to show how different cultures are! It's totally a sports drink. That's how Gatorade is marketed anyways. It's filled with sugar and sodium. The sodium is for "sports" and the sugar is for taste. By the sound of it, cherryade has lots of sugar and maybe even some artificial color in it too (like Gatorade). I'm assuming cherryade has sparkling water in it, unlike Gatorade. At least you aren't an everyday soda drinker. I drink a coke possibly once a year for the anti nausea component. Other than that I don't drink any soda. Water is the best. I feel bad when I order it at restaurants because it seems to bother the servers that they aren't getting drink money out of me, but it's the best for my body! 

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In the UK, with what I've read about Gatorade it's called Lucozade sports over here. It's a sports drink with the same ingredients. I've had it in the past, not often. I personally don't like coffee, and only drink tea with no milk in it, so on occasions I do drink a coke just to get my caffeine fix. Other than, I guzzle a lot of water throughout the day. 

It's true in restaurants that customers ordering water does not go down well ha ha. But as right as you are, it's the best for your body.

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@LukeJ You learn something new everyday! Lucozade sounds about the same. I don't like Gatorade, but people use it if you catch a stomach bug. It's pumped with lots of unnecessary ingredients. It's really not that great for you. As long as you are drinking water, a bit of soda isn't an issue. My motto is, everything in moderation is fine. There shouldn't be ay shame in ordering water at dinner! If a server is treating you inferior due to that choice, you should diminish their tip. It's basically discriminating against water drinkers!

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@3Sisters everything is best in moderation. I can't see how anything is bad for you as long as you ration everything into moderations and not live off these products. I do enjoy a Lucozade occasionally if I have a long day ahead of me, and I drink it throughout. The taxes that are charged in the UK are disgusting and the hospitality trade is certainly dying with all the taxes that are aimed for it. And now our fantastic great prime minister wants to ban smoking outside the premises, so I'm certain that's going to be a death cull for many places around us. 

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@LukeJ Does the Lucozade have caffeine in it? Gatorade does not. The US allows many things to be artificially flavored and colored. I have heard the food standards are way better than that in the UK. Is that true? I'm curious, is smoking popular in the UK? I see it dying down in the US, but other legalized drugs like marijuana are more popular than ever. Would you be able to use one of those smoke pens? Vape pens are the new trend now.

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No I believe that Lucozade hasn't got any caffeine at all, just plenty of glucose. I guess everywhere is full of artificial flavours, not just the US. I'm not a smoker myself, but if people want to light up, then that's their decision. Our marvellous, wonderful new prime minister that we have in the UK is trying to ban smoking and vaping everywhere. He claims it will take the burden off our NHS, whether it's true or not, as not many of us actually trust the bloke. He's only been in office 60 days, and lied about everything already.

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No I believe that Lucozade hasn't got any caffeine at all, just plenty of glucose. I guess everywhere is full of artificial flavours, not just the US. I'm not a smoker myself, but if people want to light up, then that's their decision. Our marvellous, wonderful new prime minister that we have in the UK is trying to ban smoking and vaping everywhere. He claims it will take the burden off our NHS, whether it's true or not, as not many of us actually trust the bloke. He's only been in office 60 days, and lied about everything already.

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@LukeJ It seems Lucozade can surely spike your blood sugar levels! I really thought Europe had higher standards. I'm actually bummed to read that your stores are stilling selling drinks with artificial flavors there too. It's going to be a tough one to pass banning smoking and vaping! The fact that your newly elected prime minister isn't trustworthy is not a good sign. I could imagine you are very hesitant to believe anything said by that man. That would be a significant change, especially for visitors. Your NHS would do better with non alcohol too, but I'm sure that would never fly!

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I can't see the likes of sugar drinks being stopped as the amount of money that is being made will prevent anyone to stop that. It's all about money really. And the amount of money smoking brings to the economy, I'd be surprised if that halts to a complete stop too. Pubs and restaurants have already claimed that if smoking is stopped outside these premises, then it will be a goodbye for a lot of these places.

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@LukeJ I fear the toxicity is sugary drinks/foods may be greater than that of vaping. Isn't there a higher tax on cigarettes and vaping goods? Doesn't that tax benefit the government? Stopping the sale of those goods is going to eliminate that tax surplus. That would evidently increase everyone else's taxes to make up for that deficit. I would hope that didn't end up happening for your sake. The taxes for the general public are high enough as it is! Destroying small businesses would be another huge negative of that. When is this change potentially supposed to happen?

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There is a sugar tax in place, but to be honest, if people want a sugared drink, they will pay the higher cost regardless. Same as smoking I believe. The price keeps rising every budget as a deterrent, but they cigarettes keep getting sold. Not as much as vaping now, as that seems to be the main thing now, especially youngsters. I know people that are vaping that never smoked, but just got caught up with the euphoria of it all. 

I'm not sure when it's coming into effect, the ban on all vaping, there may be a date but I generally don't listen to what the man says. He's very flaky and is renowned to changing his mind at every opportunity he can.

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