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Lucille King

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It sounds like I need to try this Welsh water! Is that where you currently reside? I have yet to drink from a tap and enjoy the taste. All of the US water to me tastes like chlorine and bleach. I don't really like the generic bottled water offered here any better either. I have been asking my husband to invest in a reverse osmosis filtration system for our home. Have you heard of that before? It's a bit costly to purchase and install but the health benefits are endless. The local water here is just no good. I can't even imagine how it would potentially be on a cruise ship either. It's hard to properly clean moist things! They are breeding grounds for bacteria. 

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@Cruising Caribbean yes that's where I reside, and believe we are lucky when it comes to the water that we consume. Of course, it does help that we are probably one of the wettest country you will ever see, with just never ending rain all year round. But the water sure does taste good when it comes from your taps, as clear as you will ever get.

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You are really lucky! I would like to have my own well water supply and have more land. Right now where I reside, I don't have the opportunity to have my own well system. It sounds like your area has really high standards for its water. Our area puts tons of chemicals in it to keep it consumable. That's why a better filtration system is a must for our household. I didn't realize it was such a dreary place. Does it get cold enough for snow and ice? That would make for a gloomy winter. I don't mind the rain as long as there isn't lightning/thunder. I was so used to heavy rains in Florida. When I moved to the west, everyone feared driving in the rain. People cancel plans due to driving in the rain here! I show up, rain or shine. The people in the west aren't brave in the rain. At least we likely have that in common! You probably still show up at the place, even when it's raining. 

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In London, it's hard water and we don't tend to drink water from the tap due the vile taste and the discoloration we get. So bottled water is the only way forward. I'm not a huge fan of water myself, rather have flavoured water if possible.

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Yes I've been to London and lived there for sometime and I agree that the water is really not nice to drink out of the taps from. Even when staying in hotels, I can't drink the teas or the coffees they have on offer, as I dislike the water that much. 

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@LukeJ I appreciate the information on the London water. Much of the flavors are derived from the primary water source. Lakes and rivers can provide very mineral-dense and tasty water, but the purification process also makes a huge impact on flavor. The chemicals that are put into the water that make it drinkable aren't always the best for our system. Bottled water isn't always the best choice either. New research is surfacing in the public about the amount of "tiny plastic particles" that are found in bottled water. It's very alarming. 

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That's a great question! I'm all about reusable water bottles. With the proper filtration system, the cruise lines could really capitalize on this system. A stainless steel or glass bottle would be the best option. The cruise line could charge an unlimited water refill price or offer an incentive to use a pre-purchased, stainless steel water bottle onboard. The idea is guests are paying a slight premium for an unlimited, purified water supply while reducing waste. Water bottles for purchase do not align with the industry goals of reducing emissions by 2050. Eventually, I don't foresee plastic water bottles as an option onboard cruise ships. Many islands, like Ocean Cay, offer metal-only waters included in the beverage packages. Ocean Cay is a marine reserve which may be why it's taking a lead on becoming more sustainable by reducing plastics.

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I hate the plastic bottles, it really isn't good for the environment. Maybe it should be stored in recyclable bamboo that you can get. It's good, sturdy, perfect for the environment and looks good too.

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@LukeJ Recycled bamboo is a great thought! I don't like plastic bottles either. I try to avoid anything plastic in my house when possible. I have a plastic cutting board but I have seen how bad those are. When you cut on a plastic board, you cut little parts of the board off and it gets into your food to be ingested. I have a bamboo cutting board, and it's such a better choice! It's sturdier, sanitary, and has no microplastics associated. The natural materials are so much better than the man-made ones. This statement applies to clothing too. Cotton and linen are so much better for your body than polyester and other similar materials. The problem with natural clothing materials is the cost! The poor quality clothes are so much cheaper than the 100% cotton products. 

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I've seen online a few things made from bamboo, and I think they are great. Not only does the product and the design look sleek and professional, it's also good for the environment. Surely that's a double win win

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@LukeJ Bamboo is actually great too! I totally forgot about that fabric. It dries really well too. It's very breathable and lightweight. Honestly, I don't know how bamboo can be used in so many forms. I have pajamas, cupboards, flooring, curtains, pillowcases, and much more made from bamboo. It's so versatile! Cotton can't be a cutting board or flooring. I'm becoming more and more impressed with bamboo as I type! 

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@Cruising Caribbean I must admit, the pajamas flummoxed me then. I never knew you could get pajamas out of bamboo or pillow cases. I was thinking maybe the reason companies aren't using bamboo for the bottles must be something to do with the costs, but surely it can't be the prices that are the issue if bamboo seems to be so flexible.

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@LukeJ Yes! There is actually a popular port-found brand that offers bamboo-only products. It's called Cariloha. From throw blankets to polo shirts, the brand's bamboo products are endless and of great quality. I'm not sure why we don't see more bamboo cups! It's fair to say bamboo cups could be a great alternative! Stainless steel is a great, easy-to-clean material. It's very antimicrobial, and I believe so is bamboo! Plastic gets gross pretty quickly and absorbs odors. I guess the price is what made it become popular over time. 

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Wow, I will have a look on the site and see what's available, thank you very much. I agree, plastic is such a horrible alternative, especially for bottles. I personally prefer glass to making the product look better to the eye, understand why it's was moved to plastic, but now as we develop, do should the materials.

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@LukeJ Bamboo sheets are the best by the way. They are best for warmer climates because of how breathable they are. The Cariloha brand is more expensive because of its reputation and storefront locations, but you can find similar quality products online. If you get an opportunity to go into a Cariloha storefront, you should. It smells good in there and the brand is very cool. I have seen storefronts all over the Caribbean, but I typically end up shopping at the street markets instead. Those are more exciting. Bargain shopping is too fun to pass up! 

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That's a great question! I would love to see more throwaway items offered more regularly in bamboo. For instance, I know you can get toothbrushes, flossers, and straws made from bamboo/bamboo fiber but I would like to see them used more commonly! It's quite rare anyone is using these bamboo products, and I think it has a lot to do with price. Some of the natural grocers around sell these bamboo products, but these more sustainable things aren't often found at the traditional stores. I wish the price point was better I guess. I think one of the reasons why the price point for bamboo is so high is because it's ethically sourced and manufactured. Plastics and other goods are notorious for being made in factories that don't pay their employees enough and don't work sustainably. Bamboo standards overall are better to keep up with its brand of being the eco-friendly option across the board. I would love to see reusable face towelets in bamboo. Reusable bamboo bags could be great too! 

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9 hours ago, PaulB said:

@3Sisters here's a question, to start a debate. What would you like to see made from bamboo? And the reason why.


No not really.  Someone gave me a bamboo t-shirt bought while they were on a cruise.  It got holes in it quicker than any other t-shirt I have owned.  It was comfortable though, but not sure was anymore comfortable than my Jockey t-shirts.  

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@FJB Bamboo underwear would be very breathable but maybe become tattered too quickly. Some bamboo products I have purchased are very thin and they don't hold up in the drier. It's best to hang dry, but most people don't have the time for that. I wish that bamboo products were thicker. The ones I have encountered are too thin, like you mentioned. If the bamboo clothing is thicker, more durable, I think I would purchase them more often. It's hard to beat good, thick woven cotton. That's like the feel of your Jockey t-shirts. Polyester bubbles up in the wash, and pretty much anything that isn't thick cotton or denim get holes over time. My kids get holes in their pants like once a week! I would take a bamboo scarf?

A bamboo (dare I say) mask could be breathable, not that I want to have to sport one of those again. 

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I would actually love to see bamboo art work. I'm very big on art, and love collecting pieces for my home. I would like to see something different done with other materials, and think if you can make t-shirts out of bamboo, then maybe canvas type material to paint on.

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I would love to build a bamboo house. I was reading online in the past about how much cheaper bamboo is compared to other materials. It's beneficial as it's environmentally friendlier for our carbon footprint . It's sustainable and if treated well and properly, then it can last for a lifetime, otherwise it will be untreatable in just a few years. 

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A bamboo house is great idea. It sounds so tropical! Durability could be questionable but if it was paired with the proper baseline material it could be perfectly durable. Bamboo is very waterproof, and many materials don't have that quality. Bamboo flooring is extremely gorgeous and beautiful. The price point is higher than the engineered laminite which is why I haven't installed it in any of my homes yet. I love how much you care for bamboo too! Bamboo plants in general are just spectacular. They are so easy to grow and reproduce rapidly. I have bamboo shower mats in my bathroom actually and they are fabulous. I have seen both teak and bamboo used as a shower floor and it creates such a dreamy shower! I'm so over the modern looking showers. The next shower space I design will be a large oasis with rocks and an open concept. Water flowing from all directions is my dream! 

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@PaulB when I read that, I did actually think that's a bit ambitious, expecting bamboo to be a material for a house, as I envisioned a sort of Robinson Crusoe type shack, but you're right as I just search it online. This really is the most flexible material you can use. You can use it for absolutely everything, the list is endless. 

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I agree completely. I never knew the scope involved with bamboo. I always believed it was something that grows wild in the garden. This blew my mind when I saw the very things you could actually do with it. I wonder if in years to come, they would make a cruise ship out of bamboo?

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