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@LukeJ unfortunately you are correct. There is always people that go onboard and totally irresponsible and do whatever they want. As we have discussed on these forums before, some people are just plain right rude and don't care which makes for a hostile situation. 

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@PaulB I wish I could disagree with you but unfortunately you are right. We see it in our everyday life, the rudeness of people is shocking. Not only the way they speak and their attitude but their self importance and their disregard to the rules is appalling. And unfortunately that's passed down to their children because they see that behaviour as the norm. It's a vicious circle really. 

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@Seaawgs You are right! One bad apple as they say, can totally destroy the majority's reputation. When you see a rude child, you can assume most of the behavior stems from the parents. I really hope that we as a cruising society can do better to make good impressions! Unfortunately, many first-timers have heard lots of stereotypes regarding what type of cruise guests cruise with each line. Many people judge Carnival Cruise Line for its "lower class" cruise guests, but it's not necessarily true! Yes, CCL can be reasonably priced and particular cruise itineraries attract a certain party crowd, but it's not fair to generalize all CCL guests that way! Some CCL itineraries, such as Alaskan cruises, attract a very different crowd. That's the sort of itinerary that attracts a nice cruise guest like myself! 

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@LukeJ Honestly, I would say Carnival Cruise Line is known to be one of the most affordable/popular lines with the most diverse guest list. Royal Caribbean is also known to attract a more party forward crowd. The cheaper, weekend cruises get the worst guests. I think it's because they are there to drinks and eat tons and then get off the ship three days later. I don't like this cruise mentality, but it's all about partying and having a good time. A little weekend getaway can turn into a raging party scene very quickly, particularly over holidays. I prefer week-long itineraries that attract a different group of guests. I don't want to be surrounded by drunks the entirety of my cruise so I typically opt out of weekend cruising.

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@Cruising Caribbean ok, that's interesting to know. I didn't really think of it like that. But it makes sense. Yes I agree, I wouldn't want to surround myself with drunken behaviour either. I got enough of that when I was working in the hospitality industry. I guess it all depends what you're looking for. When you're a party animal just looking to let your hair down and have some fun then that's the best ship for you. When you have a wife and child and looking to relax after a long year, then something a little quieter is in order.

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There is only one cruise line in which we were treated to a food fight in the buffet and an "individual " with a giant boom box banging away in the Serenity area. These are the people Celebrity is now trying to lure away from Carnival with their 3 and 4 day cruises. Celebrity has abandoned their loyal guests in favor of the more lucrative younger cruisers. We have 90 days of cruising booked through next March,  only 8 of it with Celebrity. Last year we spent 60 days on Celebrity. 

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@LukeJ Many cruisers love Carnival Cruise Line due to its predictability and diversity in a variety of ways. I have always enjoyed my cruises with Carnival Cruise Line but I know that certain types of itineraries will attract a more party crowd. The hospitality industry certainly sees the party crowd quite often. It's a fun time, don't get me wrong, but I cruise with my family and enjoy a slower paced scene now. I don't want constant party when I'm trying to teach my children to swim in a relaxed environment. It sounds like we are very similar cruisers and enjoy a similar scene. I enjoy fun but it's more of a family-focused style.

@Seaawgs It's all because of those shorter itineraries! I haven't actually cruised with Celebrity Cruises, but I had no idea that the cruise line attracted a similar style. For a time, I was under the impression Celebrity Cruises was more "upscale". Wow, you have chosen to cruise with mainly other lines now. What other cruise lines will you be enjoying until March? It sounds like Celebrity Cruises has lost lots of your loyalty. 

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@Cruising Caribbean Celebrity used to be a great cruise line and was considered a better choice. Their new President has brought about this transformation which is eroding its brand. Their loyalty program is the best but not even that will get us on shorter cruises with what has become Carnebrity/Celebrival. Azamara, Holland America and Regent will make up most of our upcoming cruising. Africa, The Amazon and Iceland/Greenland. Nice long itineraries minus the nickel and dime.

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Thank you all for your wonderful insights. Advice such as this really does go a long way to helping us decide where to go on which ship. I bow to your experiences onboard. 

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@Seaawgs It seems like the new Celebrity Cruises president is trying to shift in another direction. I happened to like that Celebrity Cruises wasn't that attractive to the party crowd but it seems the line is becoming more mainstream and trying to stay competitive with some of the other cruise lines competitors. This new naming, Carnebrity/Celebrival, is making me laugh. I haven't heard of this blended name before! Azamara and Regent are two lines I haven't tried yet but I would love to! Are children welcome on these luxury lines or do you find it geared towards a kid-free crowd? Will any of those destinations be new to you? I haven't been to any of those locations myself and I'm so excited to hear about your experience. When you cruise Africa, where do you fly into? Clearly I'm very intrigued. 

@LukeJ There is nothing like a real life review from guests who have gone before you! 

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@LukeJ As much as I agree with the enjoyment of reading polished and concise reviews, I also enjoy a good laugh from those horribly written ones. All of those horribly written reviews, constructed solely out of intense emotion oftentimes have me cracking up. Those reviews can also be written with brutal honestly, to the point of questionable rationale. So yes, I do love a respectable reviewer, but I also appreciate the good comic relief of an irrational and irate reviewer. Don't you?

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@Kendall James-Vargas yes to a point I agree with you. Problem is I get embarrassed for other people. So some of those reviews that are written by an irate passenger give good accounts of themselves, and yes I can have a good laugh, but then some that are so over the top, it does embarrass me to continue reading. It's just pointless and stupid, and I want to say to them that they are making a fool of themselves in front of everyone. But then again, these people are the type to have a go at me for trying to help them.

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@LukeJ I'm surprised you feel that way! I don't feel embarrassed for others at all. In fact, I don't typically feel much for others emotions and that may make me very cold hearted. It doesn't sound so good when I write it out! I value all opinions and perspectives, but when they are written in the heat of the moment it can be very satisfying to dig into. Most of the time those intense feelings and perspectives whither away at some point. When you look back at posts written in the heat off the moment, it can be embarrassing for that person to read, but I appreciate the good laugh it provided!

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@Kendall James-Vargas don't get me wrong, I have a good sense of humour and find a lot of things funny. But I can't do with watching shows like Britain/America has talent because majority of those people don't have talent and I just cringe when I see them on there. I give them a pat on the back for their confidence to give it a go but it's just so embarrassing. I simply have to walk away. 

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@LukeJ It can be pitiful to watch someone try out with such passion and they are truly horrible. Sometimes I wonder why those shows string them along in the first place. It's really not fair to the contestant, but many people (like me) get a kick out of a hilariously horrible act. Some of the acts can be intentionally horrible. I think those show up on the television for a laugh, but at that point we are making fun of a contestant (which isn't always nice). The big difference between most of those acts and stand up is that comedians are looking for laughter and singers/other performers aren't looking to be laughed at. When you performed on stage didd you need some liquid courage? On my last cruise I saw lots of drinks floating around, helping the karaoke singers build up confidence before their name was called. 

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@Kendall James-Vargas it's cringe. The reason the producers put them on is simply for entertainment. They know that people would find them hilarious. What gets me, is why these acts that are so bad, that they are so naive to think that they are good, or friends or families think or say to them that they are so good they should go on these shows. Surely it's kind to tell that person you are terrible and do not go on for their own sake. 

Yes when I did the stand up, I had to have a few drinks to give me the courage and just to loosen my nerves. Once you get the first laugh, you can feel the nerves slide away. Thankfully I did get a few laughs, because it would have been horrendous without it. But as I stated, there is no way I could have made a career out of it.

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@LukeJ Sometimes I wonder why friends and family will give others false hope. It's not that nice to lead people on. Not only that but it's a really competitive atmosphere. Unless you are stellar at something, you really shouldn't be trying out for the show. It's better for family and friends to just be honest about a person's talent. I find it more cruel when people are you close to aren't honest enough to give you kind but truthful feedback. Have you seen others that didn't actually get any laugh? That has to be so sad. I'm not a big drinker at all but I think this sort of situation would need some liquid courage. Maybe you could go back to it once retired. Hopefully when I'm retired I have the confidence to not care what people think about me in the slightest. 

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@Kendall James-Vargas what makes me think is that these people had been pre warned by their families but stubbornly decided that they are still going despite their warnings. Because there is no way any member of my family would tell me to follow my dreams when I'm that bad at singing. It's a strange one. As for the stand up comedy, no I don't see myself going back on the stage, it was a good long time ago now, almost 25 years since I gave it a go. Young and naive and curious back in the day. And yes I have seen many people fail miserably on stage with no laughter and again it made me embarrassed for them. 

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I think it's because so many people are deluded and craving fame and fortune so much, that they are blinkered on what's in front of them. I don't watch those type of reality shows because I can't stand them. I'd rather be entertained when I'm watching TV, not to sit and watch other people trying to do something they can't. But then again, I don't blame them for thinking they can do a job better than some of the singers we currently have.

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I have seen a version of "Got Talent" onboard one of my last cruises. It was actually such a great idea, and the ship had so much talent! Some of the talented guests onboard were way better than what you would get on an America's Got Talent or Britain's Got Talent show. There was a little boy who preformed rubix cube solving super quickly. There were also many talented crew members onboard. Some of them were comedic. I agree that it can be torturous to watch those shows when the talent just sucks. 

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I think that the producers of these shows are the ones that pull the strings here. They get a load of hopefuls and praise them to believe that they are the next best things. They wind them up and let them go, all for amusement and entertainment. And the acts then look horrified when the judges tell them that they are no good.

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@LukeJ It's true. It's all about the gaining show popularity, not about the betterment of the individuals in the show. When you go on to a show like that, it's not easy! There are so many expectations and things that you have to abide by if you want to participate. So much goes on behind the scenes! The judges are paid big bucks to do what they are told. It's like a popularity contest. Most of the judges aren't even that great in real life. The judges have to do what the producers tell them, not what they actually want to. It's just an act, an entertaining act. The show does honestly get good talent, but before those last acts are discovered, it's a shame people are just used as pawns to bridge the gaps. 

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