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Everything posted by 3Sisters

  1. @Woody14 That's the type of experience I have had with MSC Cruises directly too! I have always felt the line has been more than fair to me, but I always book directly with the line. I always feel hesitant to book with a third party. It's a guarantee the line will be in direct communication with you if you book through it. You don't know what's going on behind the scenes if you book with a third party, I would imagine your TA (or whoever you booked with) may have some insight as well here. @brian amos Keep us posted.
  2. @Woody14 That's so strange you encountered this so similarly to @Yvette Ealy! At least you were given points for that cruise. It would be even nicer if it was someone evident in your account. The application process mimics what @FJB shared. @Yvette Ealy Please keep us posted on your outcome. At the very least you should have those points added to your account! That's most likely why you would like it synced to your account. Is that correct?
  3. @euroguy Wow, I noticed one of these links is from Sprouts! It's frozen, and I called and asked about "fresh" rhubarb. I'm going to go today and see if I can find it in the frozen section. That could be perfect. If your local store offers it, then my local store should have it in stock now too! I'm so excited, and yes, you are basically my rhubarb supplier. Who would have thought this would be my mission for the month? I'm currently on a mission entitled, The Rhubard Hunt: Mission Impossible. It's not even expensive! I need to get my hands on it today.
  4. @euroguy I really am blessed. I can't say marriage is easy. It's a constant compromise, but we are blessed to have a great flow and similar goals that work together pretty nicely. You have to be cautious of all red flags! I'm thankful I married a respectful and thoughtful human, but many partners aren't the same. I hope that you find a partner that will treat you the way you treat them. You deserve that. There are many, not kind partners out there, and they can take advantage of loyal people quite easily. You have the right mindset! I appreciate how open-minded you are. With that mindset, you will surely enjoy your life to the fullest, with or without a partner. There is no sense in trying to work things out with someone who isn't a compatible match. Taking your time and enjoying yourself in the process is the way to go!
  5. @FJBI see the validity of what you are saying, but my family and I still love Mexican food. I prefer authentic Mexican food, and the three to four pots of food idea doesn't necessarily resonate with me. Chipotle and Moes are different stories. Authentic Mexican food has so much flavor and no two meals are the same. The protein options (typically meat) are usually fewer, but they are utilized in a variety of ways! Also, you can't go wrong with chips and salsa. Do you agree with that?
  6. @FJB Your face diaper comments always make me laugh. All of your questions are very valid. @Sassy What are your reasons for wanting to purchase travel insurance? The time of year and the hurricane season are definilty two important reasons for wanting to purchase travel insurance. Things do happen and having backup insurance is a smart move if you can afford it. It can get pretty expensive but with the uncertainty of life today; it's better to be safe than sorry.
  7. @Mavis Wow, that's such a cool cruise itinerary! Both Santiago and Buenos Aires are going to impress you beyond your expectations. I have seen the Sky Costanera in Santiago, a beautiful building to tour to take photos with a sky view. https://www.skycostanera.cl/en I added the link above if you decide to explore that option while there. Getting out into nature will definitely be good to do at least one day in both Santiago and Buenos Aires. They are both beautiful cities, but the natural elements in the surrounding areas are breathtaking!
  8. @euroguy I almost feel desperate for rhubarb, like it's an exclusive item I need to get my hands on! You totally started all of this. Your description of the pie just made me want it so badly and now I can't have it. I refuse to buy it premade with strawberries too! That's also because of you. So now I want to make it, and I want to make it right! If you end up seeing it come out at a local grocer please let me know. Also, I have been too into pies lately. I don't think I want to stop either. Tis the season!
  9. @euroguy I wouldn't be surprised if that happened sooner than later! People on cruises are typically more relaxed and open to enjoying life in a way they don't typically do on an average day. I met my husband in college, and we have been together ever since. We have been together for 11 years now, and it's been a pretty low-maintenance marriage. We definitely have a great flow and a high level of trust in one another. I think those aspects plus the mutual respect for one another have really been why we have remained in such a hassle-free marriage. Marriage isn't for everyone!
  10. 3Sisters

    Julie Loy

    @Julie L That's a great question! I think you may have answered your question in this post; I do believe it's very likely cruise ships don't typically dock at Hamilton Brisbane due to the larger ships not being able to make it under the bridge. I would love to say I have explored Hamilton Brisbane, but I have not. It sounds absolutely lovely, and I would agree cruise lines should give it a shot. It surely sounds significantly better than the Brisbane International Cruise Terminal!
  11. @FJB The King of the Throne is hilarious. That was the best post I have read all week. My husband would say the exact same thing so it is very relatable! The funny thing about it is that my husband will still opt for Mexican food on any given day. It's one of his favorite cuisines and can eat it all the time. Sometimes I think he secretly enjoys the "throne." It's his favorite way to escape me and the kids!
  12. @LukeJ It's interesting to be a bystander and watch the industry trends. At first, the industry is on a steady incline, the industry is booming and then the next moment there is a crash. Cruise lines are struggling to stay afloat due to the cruise ban, and they are working hard to recover from the huge losses they faced. Now, cruise lines are expanding at exponential rates building newer and bigger ships with what money? I hope there isn't an industry collapse, but the guest rates are steadily increasing, but guests don't seem to care much. Cruising became such a novelty after the ban, honestly living normally in general because such a gift!
  13. @Yvette Ealy I hope you are able to sync that itinerary to your Celebrity Cruises account. It would be nice to have your extra points accounted for! I think what @FJB said is likely why it isn't showing up. It's probably due to the amount of time that has passed between both cruises. Your memory seems great to me, and if you were to have an issue, you can always go back and look at your epic cruise video memories! I wouldn't be surprised about the physical application process. That was pretty common practice in the 90s.
  14. 3Sisters

    Black Friday

    @FJB Your comment made me laugh! I would love for you to be my travel agent. There are many perks to being a travel agent too. I think you would be able to get cheaper cruise rates for yourself! If anything, that could be reason enough to give it a shot. I'm not sure what your day-to-day work life is like, but a chill work environment and just planning epic vacations with nice people sounds like a treat! I guess you can't do it all in this life. It sounds like this may just all be a dream, but getting better cruise rates may make your dream become a reality sooner than you think!
  15. @Onboard Of course! Do you have any upcoming itineraries booked for next year? I only have one booked so far, but I intend to book another itinerary (hopefully) in the coming months. I love reading your reviews! They excite me to cruise again in the near future.
  16. @JayD I wish I could confirm or deny this. It's hard for me to believe that Carnival Corporation wouldn't allow those two perks to be used in unison. Where did you hear this information from? I would call the cruise line to confirm this statement. Please let me know once you have an answer. I'm intrigued to hear the outcome. I would be surprised if Carnival Corporation removed this benefit.
  17. @Seaawgs Thanks for breaking it down for me! Elite status takes many more cruises than I thought. I think if I become loyal to the line, Elite would be attainable but everything else would take ten-plus years to achieve. The perks are pretty great, so it's worth considering. Does the line offer double-point options at certain times of the year? That could help get to the Elite status faster. If I'm making the switch, I would want at least that status level to be attainable for my family. Otherwise, it's not worth the loyalty. One of the only reasons I'm almost to the top loyalty levels with MSC Cruises is because of double-point booking incentives.
  18. @LukeJ The idea of building larger ships doesn't seem very financially responsible either. Many cruise lines are still rebounding from the pandemic. These multi-million to multi-billion dollar builds take years to recoup and break even on the initial investment. I really believe the only reason why cruise lines keep going bigger and newer is to keep competitive; otherwise, they won't be the top dog. The quality of cruise experience on these larger ships definitely seems diluted and commercialized. I prefer a more personalized, quality cruise experience.
  19. 3Sisters

    Black Friday

    @FJB Is it for a special occasion? It's always so difficult to coordinate it all! I would be so annoyed having to get everyone on board. That's one of the reasons I don't typically book in a group. You likely want all of your staterooms near each other too. That's a whole other factor. Everyone wants a different stateroom type and has their own preferences. If they bailed would you still book the itinerary? Based on the videos I have seen you post, you are such a great planner and organize your cruises to the max. If I had to trust anyone with making a cruise vacation epic, I would totally trust your expertise!
  20. @euroguy I'm glad you are on team disconnect. It's pointless to cruise if you plan to do the same thing you always do at home, burying your mind in your phone. You can get so hooked on it and its endless browsing options. It's mind-numbing and draining! Everyone needs a break from their phones and computers. It's just a totally different cruise experience! Being without technology truly amplifies your cruise experience. When you have the wi-fi package, you end up using it for more than what's necessary. You might as well get your money's worth right? It's all such a distraction from the present!
  21. @euroguy You wouldn't believe me if I told you there was no rhubarb anywhere! I called and looked everywhere locally until I finally gave up. I tried Target, King Soopers, Sprouts, Natural Grocers, Trader Joe's, and Whole Foods. They all say they plan to get it but it hasn't come in yet. I will do another round of calling next week and see if any of them have it in stock yet. I ended up making a savory Irish Potato Pie and a sweet Carmel Cream Pumpkin Pie. This week I also ventured to make a Cozy Coconut Pie and a Mascarpone Pistachio Pie. All have been amazing so far, but I really want to get my hands on some rhubarb. It's almost like now I want it so badly that I won't be able to find it anywhere. It's frustrating, but I haven't given up yet!
  22. @brian amos I'm curious to hear more about this! Which itinerary were you booked on initially? I saw there have been itinerary changes made for MSC Sinfonia but there still haven't been any confirmations about the alterations. Are you looking for a refund? MSC Cruises is really great about giving 100% refunds as long as it's at least 90 days prior to disembarkation. This cancellation can be done directly with the cruise line. I'm not sure if you booked directly with MSC Cruises or through a third party.
  23. 3Sisters

    Black Friday

    @FJB I was so close to booking an RCL deal! I wanted to so badly, but I couldn't muster up the funds to make it happen. I made some big financial decisions this year, so I couldn't be irresponsible and pull the trigger. Next year I will absolutely save up to spend on a cruise deal. I'm hoping I see some other good deals in the spring of next year when I have the funds to responsibly put down. Did you score a good booking this year?
  24. @euroguy Finding your soul mate on a ship sounds so romantic! That could honestly be such a fun way to meet a mate. I started dating my spouse prior to the swipe right and left dating era. By the way, I think that's such an offensive way to date. You don't even meet someone, and you are basically choosing them based on their photos. I would much rather do a blind date situation. It's a shame dating has come to that. I find the most personal and convenient way to meet a like-minded mate is at a religious location of your choice or through a community organization that best suits your interests.
  25. 3Sisters

    Ocean Cay

    I have been to Ocean Cay in the past and enjoyed every minute of it. There is room for expansion, and according to recent news, it seems MSC Cruises is capitalizing on those areas for advancement. In 2024, I will be back visiting the island, but I don't think I will have access to those expanded amenities the line plans to roll out. I'm always impressed with MSC Cruises' environmental commitments; however would hope for some bigger guest amenities on the island! It could really use some more "fun" options. This lighthouse is one of my favorite features on the island to date. Has anyone else enjoyed Ocean Cay in the past?
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