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Greece Cruise Restrictions

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I was so frustrated to read that Greece is considering to impose cruise ship restrictions. This has been a bucket list destination of mine and I have always planned to travel there via cruise. Santorini is feeling the extreme impacts of an influx of post-pandemic cruise guests, and the restrictions may begin in 2025. I'm thinking I may need to cruise to Greece sooner than later. Has anyone cruised to Greece? If you have cruise there, are there any itineraries/cruise ships/lines you would recommend for a cruise to Greece? I don't want to miss my opportunity to cruise to this dream destination!


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I recommend going while you have the chance! The cost of cruising is on the rise and it's in part due to the price of port fees. Many ports are imposing/considering to impose travel restrictions. That's going to drive the prices up even more because these destinations are becoming more and more exclusive. 

The local residents have proposed limiting cruise ships for Sitka in 2025. Someone tried the same thing in 2023 through a petition to enact a guest cap. Clearly some locals aren't that happy with the amount of cruisers, but I'm hopeful the Alaska cruise season to Sitka won't be shortened due to this proposition. 


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@Emrys That's probably true. If I was a local business I would want all the customers I could get! Cruisers are big spenders too. Most people that are cruising arrive to the ports ready to shop, with spare cash in hand. I really hope if there is a cruising restriction it isn't a stringent one. The cost to cruise there would certainly end up being more expensive and the itineraries to Greece would become fewer and further between. I will keep an eye to see how things unfold, but this cruising restriction does seem quite likely. 

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Santorini is definitely worth visiting. It is a tender port so mega ships put a strain on limited dock space. You'll need to ascend nearly 900 ft. either by climbing steps, riding a donkey up same steps or aerial tram. Heavy cruise traffic can cause extreme wait times. Bathroom facilities are another issue for hoards of people. Inflation has changed typical passenger habits while in port. Alcoholic drinks and food have become so expensive in port that many return to the ship to eat and drink. Only souvenir shops do well in a high priced environment. As the cruise industry ignores local resistance to overcrowding by building 7000 passenger ships, this will continue to surface.  Unlike the Caribbean,  much of the world uses their container ports for cruise ship dockage.  The logistical nightmare is real for those quiet communities when 10,000+ people spill into the streets. 

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We only have the cruise lines to blame for these restrictions.   Build it and they will come onboard the CEOs said.  Well yeah, now that 10,0000 of us are onboard, will will you take us?   No worries they tell us, we are building more private islands.

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@Seaawgs That makes a a lot of sense actually. I didn't realize that the port didn't have the capacity to hold the mega ships. Tender ports tend to annoy me. I don't think I would be annoyed to tender to a niche destination like Santorini but some of the smaller Caribbean ports that don't offer much to do irritate me. I don't always want to wait the additional time to get on/off the ship at tender ports unless it's a really impressive port of call. I wonder why there aren't enough bathroom facilities to accommodate the large amounts of tourism. It's true that the small towns are very impacted by such an influx of visitors at one time. The finances that tourism brings is substantial for the local economy, and that's where I would see most of the pushback coming rom. The "container ports" as you stated are really impressive! They offer great amenities combined with safety and security. I would consider those stops niche or unique but they do offer what most cruise guests want, a day in safe/tropical paradise. 

@FJB It's hard to support the mega growth and the mega ships when it's clearly not conducive to the popular cruise destinations guests love to visit! If you want to cruise on a mega ship, expect "container ports." If you want to visit niche destinations, you must look for smaller, more intimate cruise ships. That's how all of these changes seem to be evolving. Would you agree?

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