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Carnival Paradise Saves the Day

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Carnival Paradise saves 27 refugees escaping Cuba last weekend. All 27 people were brought onboard the ship and properly nourished. The ship certainly saved the day and didn't even have to delay its projected itinerary! That's some serious skill. This wasn't the first rescue for Carnival Paradise; in fact the ship has made two other rescues, one in 2019 and the other more recently in 2022. 


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That's a big group of refugees! Carnival Paradise saved the day a lot. It's turning into a rescue ship. I think the ship really knows what it's doing to make such good timing like that and stay on track. It almost seems unfair that CCL has to use its resources to do such a task. Do you think the cruise line gets any kickbacks for doing such charitable work? I understanding saving others is extremely important, but why does is continuously fall on the lap of cruises lines? 

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It's great free PR for carnival as it puts their name out in front of the line of other cruise lines. The cost to rescue them was peanuts compared to the notoriety and free press. Yes its a good deed as well and people didn't die.

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@euroguy That's right! I guess it's good publicity and good deeds are important acts of kindness. I didn't even think about the publicity piece. I thought maybe the government would give kickbacks of some sort for the time spent on the rescue. I'm not really sure how the legal logistics that occur after the refugees are spotted and found. I think the refugees are taken back to their country of residence. Would the refugees be punished for escaping? These are more details I'm curious about. 

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@default cruse I actually had no idea cruise lines were legally bound to stopping for them. Do cruise lines need to legally bring them onboard for medical attention too? I guess if the refugees ask for help the cruise lines can't just call their location of origin to come and get them. I would assume that would be good enough. It's not fair that the cruise lines should have to be responsible for them. I guess that sounds cold hearted but it can totally stall someones cruise vacation!

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@Cruising Caribbean The International Maritime Organization (IMO), which regulates the shipping industry, explicitly states this requirement in its International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea: “A master of a ship at sea, which is in a position to be able to provide assistance on receiving a signal from any source that persons are in distress at sea, is bound to proceed with all speed to their assistance.”

Ship crew have a legal and moral obligation to help distressed seafarers.  The duty to respond to persons in need of assistance at sea is based on the moral obligation to save human life.  It is not about PR, costs, or small inconveniences of people on a cruise vacation due to any delays that may occur.  It's simple human decency.  Cruise ships do this all of the time, as they should.

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@RoadTravelled Thanks for sharing this! It's interesting because I guess in this case the cruise line's are morally obligated to help distressed seafarers. It's quite the obligation though, and I have conflicting thoughts about it. I agree with human decency and kindness. I don't, however, support the idea of the forced obligation to help others woh put themselves in harms way. It's important to help others, but what happens when you are supporting illegal activity in the event of assisting others? It's an interesting way to view it, but there are two sides to every story. 

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