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@Tasselhoff Every cruise line has its own procedures for back-to-back cruise itineraries. I think Carnival Cruise Line allows you to stay on the ship if you book back-to-back itineraries and coordinate with the cruise line accordingly. I haven't personally cruised back to back with CCL, but I would hope you could potentially book the same stateroom for both itineraries and leave your things in the same staeroom. This would be the most practical thing for you while you explore Seattle in between! 

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@Tasselhoff We recently did a back to back out of Galveston. I can speak about our experience.

A few days before turn around day we got an envelope in our room describing the procedures and a very important card that we each received with a number, which was not the booking number but like an official voyage number or some such.

We booked the same cabin on both legs so we didn't  have to pack anything at all. We were instructed to head down to restaurant on Deck 3 forward at I believe it was 9:30 am and wait. In the restaurant they issued us new sign and sail cards, Customs looked at our passports and after everyone was off the ship, like 10:30, we were free to leave. You could go back to your cabin, walk around the ship, whatever you wanted at that point. 

There were also procedures to get back on board if you wanted to get off the ship for a while using your sign and sail card, you wouldn't need to wait and go through the normal boarding again, this is what we were told although we stayed on board. 

It is key that you call Carnival ahead of time and officially link your two bookings.

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@KeithG It's super cool you were able to book the same cabin for both of your back-to-back itineraries. I think this is another key to ensuring a smooth transition from one itinerary to the next. I like the idea of not having to move your things from one room to another and wait for the room to be prepped and ready for you to do so. It's intriguing to hear you had to get new sign and sail cards, but I guess they become invalid after the itinerary is completed. 

That's something else for you to consider @Tasselhoff. I would try to avoid getting on the ship through the generally super crowded boarding lines. That could be such a hassle to get off the ship and then come back to a whole hour or two worth of lines to get back onboard. Definitely call Carnival Cruise Line to link your bookings and keep a record of that happening to ensure all details are correct and secured.

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@Cruising Caribbean So we were told if we had different cabins we would pack our things but the cabin staff from your new cabin would move our stuff. As for the new Sign &Sail cards, it is in fact 2 separate cruises with the added convenience of not getting off. It was also kind of eerie walking around the ship and literally not seeing another person...even the crew is busy loading and unloading....of course that lasts about a half hour and the new passengers and getting on board. 

It really was an awesome experience...first time I could walk on deck and watch the sunrise coming into port, watching everyone else getting ready to go. Usually we're busy getting ready to depart. We definitely plan on doing it again...1 set of travel costs, 1 hotel stay....2 cruises.

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@KeithG It's interesting to read your perspective on back-to-back cruises. I haven't experienced that before! That's nice, at least you know that the cruise crew would take care of moving everything for you. It's just one less thing to worry about! If you have the ability to take off work that long or are potentially retired, this truly is a great way to vacation! I hope I can get to that point in my life and have the resources to travel like this. 

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@3Sisters I'm not yet retired so we have to pick and choose vacations. This was for a special occasion but we'll definitely do it again hopefully even before I retire.

One other thing they did for us is the first night in the main dining room one of the staff members came to our table and verified that we were on a back to back cruise which we confirmed. She then asked us to pick a table at which we would like to be seated for the rest of the 2 weeks, we picked a 2 person table by the aft windows. Every night after that they reserved that table for us. 

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@KeithG With your cruise track record, I would assume your cruise into retirement would be a super fun celebration! When you retire, do you intend to plan a certain type of getaway to kick off that new chapter in celebration? I'm so glad to read that the cruise line was so accommodating to you while back-to-back cruising. I love that the cruise crew allowed you to stay at the same table for both itineraries. Were you able to keep the same wait staff as well? If so, I'm sure you got to know them pretty well! 

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@Cruising Caribbean Yep, I'm sure when retirement happens....or assuming it happens we'll have at least a 2 week cruise planned. Maybe Panama Canal or Europe...plenty of time to check the couch cushions for change before that happens. 

Yes, the cruise line did a few special things and we did get the table we wanted and the same staff for the 2 weeks. It was great. They also took a photo of us in front of a special background after we had completed the check in on turn around day, after we left the restaurant. They delivered the photo to our cabin a few days later as a gift. 

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@KeithG Those are both beautiful destinations I have yet to explore! You might as well ring in retirement the right way with a long cruise. Retirement is in the distant future for me, but I would love to end my working career and then get on a world cruise! That would be the most epic way to kickstart retirement. The change in the couch cushions is funny because I haven't used change in so long. I'm more likely to find a lost earring than a quarter in my sofa. 

I'm so glad the cruise line showed that much care for its back-to-back cruise guests. I have heard stories where the transition wasn't ideal but this seems like the optimal experience. As you mentioned, I think linking bookings is the most important part. 

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@Cruising Caribbean I lived in Europe (Germany) for about 5 years thanks to Uncle Sam. Enjoyed the heck out of it. Would definitely like to cruise the Med, perhaps taking a transatlantic repostioning cruise on the way over. Plenty of time to plan although it seems like time is speeding up as I get older but not wiser. 

You know, I had never heard of a back to back cruise until, of course, I was on a cruise and a lady mentioned they were staying on board. After that I read as much as I could and there were definitely some not so great experiences. If it weren't for all the reading I would not have known anything about linking bookings. I believe its on Carnival's website somewhere also but I read about it first online somewhere else. 

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@KeithG Transatlantic repositioning cruises are the way to go! You can get a much better cruise rate in combination with an amazing cruise itinerary that stops at a wider variety of ports. I beg to differ; I believe that you grow in both age and wisdom gracefully! In order to have such an immense cruising background gives you some credibility to be doing something right. Not many people have the time flexibility or mean to cruise a back-to-back itinerary, but it does make sense financially. If you are traveling very far to get to a cruise port to embark on a solo cruise itinerary, you might as well stay longer and get your money's worth out of the time and travel you spent making it to the port of call. You are wiser than you think!

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@Tasselhoff Are these your two back-to-back sailings? If so, that's a pretty epic combination of destinations all wrapped up in one. It sounds like a dream of a retirement! As a person who has more flexibility to travel, how often do you find yourself vacationing? 

Carnival Cruise Line shared about its recent menu updates, and you are in for a treat! All of these menu enhancements should be rolled out by the time you embark on your back-to-back cruise.

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@Tasselhoff Carnival Cruise Line has so many wonderful itinerary options that travel through the Panama Canal! That's one thing I really enjoy about the line, the variety of itinerary options and ships to choose from. That's one of the perks of cruising with the "big dogs," you can travel the world on such a wide variety of ships and gain loyalty perks by cruising all with the same line. I must not be the only one who feels this way because CCL has been talking about revamping its VIFP loyalty program to enhance its structure and offerings for its vast amount of avid cruisers.

Carnival Journey will be cruising a 16-night Panama Canal itinerary in 2024, traveling from Seattle to New Orleans. This is one super itinerary!

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On the BtoB cruises, how are both weeks of the parking fee collected at port Canaveral (Mardi Gras)?  When we sailed out of PC in June 2022, the collection booth was not manned - at that time, only a 1 week cruise, so no problem.  Just curious, sure don’t want our car towed while we are on the 2nd week.  I’ve read many comments on the Carnival procedure for BtoB cruises.  Seems like a “painless” process.  But the parking in the parking deck has not been addressed.

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@Love Cruisin I can't speak to Port Canaveral or the their parking lots. For our back to back out of Galveston we parked in the Port of Galveston parking garage across the street and they allowed us to check in for both weeks when we showed up, using the two QR codes. The booth was manned at that time but all they did was scan the QR codes. I contacted them ahead of time with the same question you had and they told me to be sure to check in for both,

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@Love Cruisin I highly doubt you would be towed when parking at the port! You usually pay after your cruise is completed. I believe you would just be charged double when you pick up your car and exit the parking facility. I usually have friends/family drop me off at the port so I'm a bit out of touch with the parking process at Port Canaveral. I recommend skimming through this article for details on parking options at Port Canaveral. https://www.cruisehive.com/things-to-know-about-port-canaveral-cruise-parking/28776

There are a few different options, and a park-and-ride alternative may be the best way to secure your vehicle while cruising back-to-back itineraries. 

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