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@Kendall James-Vargas hay!!! I figured it out thanks for tip.  Rwgarding slots go slow grasshopper try few of my tips and see how it goes don't have to play max bet but understand to reap the real rewards the higher the bet the better pay when you hit. If you decide to play $1 machine stay away from any that have a 5X pay spot on reel. Very difficult to hit good pays on them stick to the ones that a spot for 2X or 3X and 1-3 coins for max bet. This way your max bet is only $2-3 per spin and if you hit something you will get paid the best amount. Example if max bet on machine is $3 per spin and you only play $1 and hit a pay line that pays $50 on max bet of $3 for same Payline you might get $150-250 in winnings. Big difference in money in your pocket. Something to keep in mind. Live on the wild side and try $100 who knows maybe will win ...if not maybe you'll hit a bonus or other random features of the game to make it more fun. Look at it as if it's an adventure and just have fun and alleyways always always stick to the budget you feel comfortable with..... happy spinning !!!

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@euroguy Thanks for all the pointers. I'm already lost with the use of coins; I have only ever played with my room key. A $2-$3 bet sounds reasonable, but how many attempts does it take for you to typically generate a return? I oftentimes notice some casino players just hitting the spinner over and over at super speed, I can't imagine the cost of playing like that. It appears to be like $90 for like 10 minutes of play. I like your attitude towards the game. Just walking into the casino can be daunting for a newbie like myself. I like the idea of coming in with a game plan ahead of time and sticking to a projected budget. It feels more responsible to play that way.

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@Kendall James-Vargas hay!!! I figured it out thanks for tip.  Rwgarding slots go slow grasshopper try few of my tips and see how it goes don't have to play max bet but understand to reap the real rewards the higher the bet the better pay when you hit. If you decide to play $1 machine stay away from any that have a 5X pay spot on reel. Very difficult to hit good pays on them stick to the ones that a spot for 2X or 3X and 1-3 coins for max bet. This way your max bet is only $2-3 per spin and if you hit something you will get paid the best amount. Example if max bet on machine is $3 per spin and you only play $1 and hit a pay line that pays $50 on max bet of $3 for same Payline you might get $150-250 in winnings. Big difference in money in your pocket. Something to keep in mind. Live on the wild side and try $100 who knows maybe will win ...if not maybe you'll hit a bonus or other random features of the game to make it more fun. Look at it as if it's an adventure and just have fun and alleyways always always stick to the budget you feel comfortable with..... happy spinning !!!

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@Kendall James-Vargas as for how long itakes to see a return ... thats a difficult thing to answer.  The 1st thing i do i walk the entire slot area before I take a seat. I make mental notes of which are ripe for the picking.  This technique is a more advanced approach. Usually I hit something of value pretty quickly but not always. One thing I usually won't do is pump everything back in. If it drys up and just gives little then I move on to the next machine then play for bit hit some and hopefully will keep feeding me enough to keep playing same machine. Example say you hit $50 as long as it keeps you around %50 then hits something decent i keep playing it. One thing I do when I sit down this..put 100 in machine play to 50. If I hit something... let's say $50 and I only played $25 of my initial now I have $125 and then move my walk away limit to $75. Then hit 100 now I have 175 then I move my walk away amount to 100.  Basically as you increase in winning move your walk away amount up. If you don't hit anymore and hit your walk away amount walk way. This way you still have a bank roll for another machine that might be more generous.  And with some luck you will walk away with more than you started with and have more to play with on other machines.

Another tip.is look for machines that have to or are near doing a bonus. I was recently playing on a machine and the piggy bank on the screen was cracked but not broken I new if I hit just a few of certain sybles it would break and take me to bonus 10 spindms later it broke and I won $75. Play a little more but nothing so I got up.and saw another exact machine that had same setup cracked piggy bank. Sat down 10 or so more spins and it broke and I got $100. Point is look for opportunities many people play a machine and for whatever they walk away and leave you the opportunity to make a few  bucks.

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@euroguy That is a great strategy. So from what I'm gathering, you put a certain amount in the machine and once you turn a profit you take everything you initially invested, plus your earnings, and then reinvest a lower amount into the following machine. This seems very logical because you are first and foremost aiming to recover your initial investment, then moving forward you are playing with money you earned and essentially aren't risking a dime of the initial principal. I really like this, and next time I'm cruising, in August, I'm going to try this system out. 

The last time I cruised, I chose to play with $40. Of that, $20 was thrown away in the slot machines (earned nothing), and then I took the remaining $20 to the blackjack table and went all in with my investment and won the $40, and called it quits. Essentially that was a flush and I stopped. It's really easy to lose and gain money so quickly that the process can be dangerous! I always prefer to make a return and stop versus try for more. If I used your slot machine methodology though, moving from machine to machine with pre-set limits and goals, I think I would enjoy the experience a bit more. I enjoy the regulations! 

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