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Beverage Increases

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@FJB I do that! I follow the one glass of water per one glass of alcohol rule. It just never works out for me past a couple of drinks. And I can forget about drinking on an empty stomach. If I don't eat while I drink, I'm done for. I truly wish I could keep up with the crowd but I just can't. My husband and those around me can handle so much more than I can. Maybe I'm allergic to it, but aren't we all? I still love to participate in the fun, even though I can't keep up in the alcohol consumption department. 


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@kefthecruiser It's true. My liver is seemingly intolerant. My hangovers are unlike anything most experience. When I ask people if they experience hangover symptoms like mine, they always say no. I try to enjoy my drinks too but my limit is lower than most. I'm not a super big person and not an avid day-to-day drinker so my tolerance is low to top it off. I'm glad you agree. Sometimes I feel bad because those around me want me to participate in drinking with them and at some point, early on in the night, I stop and start drinking water. I feel like those around me get bothered because I'm "boring" but in reality I'm just trying to be able to live the next day. It's more important that I feel good than what others may perceived of me. That's a mindset that has come on and developed with maturity. 

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@3Sisters it's worrying isn't it, while all you want me to do is not wake up the following morning and feel like you're dying, and people alongside you feel as you have to drink to have a good time. Whenever I go out, I sometimes volunteer myself as the designated driver, and then they can't say anything untoward. But then again why should they, why can't people just allow others to drink whatever they want without judgement. It's all peer pressure, and I find myself drinking less and less these days.

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It is an interesting perspective much of society has towards drinking. All we want is for your bodies to be healthy, but then we impose the idea that drinking in excess is fun and important to have a healthy social life. If you don't drink, you have to come up with a million excuses why not to still be pressured and persuaded into it against your will. I prefer to be the designated driver, but even then you are still expected to have a couple drinks. I ask myself the same question. Why can't I hang out with old friends and they don't judge me for only having one alcoholic beverage. As I get older, I care less and less about other's opinions. I don't need other's approval anymore. If you don't like that I don't want a drink, that's your problem. I put myself and what is best for myself first. That's how it should be!

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@kefthecruiser I'm glad you mentioned this! It's so important to respect others and to respect yourself. At some point in life you outgrow trying to keep up with others and focus on what is best for you. I also feel this way about cruising with others! I know what I like when it comes to cruising and I'm not willing to sacrifice my cruising experience for others. I have done this in the past! Doing what others want and compromising for the greater good during your entire vacation is just not ideal to me anymore. I love to cruise with others and often do my own things because it's what is best for me! Waiting around for others of staying up late to compromise isn't ideal when I'm really just looking for a restful and peaceful cruise experience. Don't get me wrong, cruising for a bachelorette party/wedding/extended family/friends is fun, but it's nothing like cruising for myself. 

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I've been on cruises with family and as a wedding party, and I can safely say, I'd much rather go on my own vacation. There always seems to be dramas involved with other people about. Even in a lovely occasion like a wedding there is drama.

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Cruising for a wedding is way different than cruising for personal leisure! I agree that cruising for a personal purpose is preferred, but I actually wanted to get married on a cruise ship. My husband didn't want to, but it was the most ideal wedding to me. It's alright that I didn't get married on a cruise though. I get payback annually while booking cruises to fulfill my passion. Just trying to coordinate a dinner meeting spot or after dinner activity is a headache with more than your personal family. I can barley get my family to cooperate and make it to dinner dressed and on time. I take every chance I get to cruise. If it's someone else's wedding, I will still go and take it for what it's worth! 

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@3Sisters drinking plenty of water after drinking is a good way, and when you wake up you're not dehydrated, which is where headache occur. And another way that works best for me is the hair of the dog. Whatever you were drinking the following day/night, then have that again , it helps me no end.

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@LukeJ That's a good drinking tip. I guess to avoid a headache I could continue drinking in the morning. I can't even think about a morning alcoholic beverage. A mimosa doesn't sound appealing and I can't stand the taste of a bloody mary! Over indulging in alcohol just isn't for me. 

I'm curious if the person who climbed off of the MSC Bellissima was enjoying the beverage package. The guest tried to enter Japan illegally by climbing off of the ship by ended up falling into the water. 


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The first drink after the night before is the hardest to swallow. But trust me, once you force yourself through that, and the end of that drink you will already start feeling a lot better. I wondered the same about the guest trying to enter Japan. I wonder if he actually remembered or was sober enough to know what he was doing.

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@LukeJ I'm thinking about that dry mouth affect after a night of drinking and feeling dehydrated. Maybe this trick is how you get your moneys worth out the beverage package. You just have to keep drinking and drinking until you can't drink no more. I get headaches really easily. Not eating enough or timely enough is a huge factor for me. I can't drink anything on an empty stomach either. Just the rockiness of a cruise ship can even trigger one for me or if I don't get enough rest. Typically when I drink in the evening I end up staying out later. 

This MSC Bellissima guest is wild. The only reasoning this man would have tried to enter the country illegally would be because he was truly intoxicated on something. First of all, it was a super dangerous attempt. Secondly, it's highly illegal. Thirdly, it's insanity. I really think he had to be out of his right mind. 

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Some people just do things for the sake of it. Simply because they thinks it's funny. However in this case, I tend to agree with you and think he was totally intoxicated 

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@LukeJ I agree with you too. If the guest was a little bit younger or on a shorter itinerary, I would have thought it was just an act of being silly or showing off. This wasn't a young guest though! The guy was about 50 years old. Usually you aren't trying to impress anyone like that at that point in your life. Honestly, I would be afraid of hurting myself. It would be silly to risk your life like that. It almost seems like a cognitive error, including intoxication. This was a bucket list itinerary for most! Jumping off a ship is not logical. 

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You'd be surprised at how silly men can get, and don't let age tell you otherwise ha ha. I sometimes find myself doing something and think why did I do that, knowing it would drive my wife crazy. Maybe that's the buzz, to keep her on her toes 

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@LukeJ It's wild to think someone has that in them! I don't think something would ever cross my mind, even while intoxicated. Maybe this person did it on a dare with millions of dollars on the line. Some people will do anything for the sake of money! 

The idea of doing something that would upset your wife is funny. Sometimes my husband does things to intentionally get a rise out of me since I'm typically too chill. Apparently, when I get angry it's hilarious. I don't feel it's hilarious at all. I guess he's looking for a little more drama in his life. I'm a pretty drama-free person. I'm so drama-free that I don't find the itch to do it back to him.

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I love that line, that he finds getting you angry hilarious to him. That did make me laugh. I do that to my own wife and when she storms off,  I try to make it up by being creepy creepy husband and make her laugh. Sufficient to say it doesn't work, but I still keep trying.

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@LukeJ Being a spouse is not easy. At some point I guess you really do just start messing with one another for the fun of it. Usually one person has a better sense of humor than the other. Typically, I can take a joke, but my husband can't. I try to get him to lighten up a bit, and I would say he's on the verge of tolerating my humor. He can't really get rid of me at this point. Maybe that's why we bug one another so much (sometimes intentionally and other times unintentionally). We are inseparable and that's only because we are married! 

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Same in our household there I guess. Begrudgingly I would say my wife has the sense of humour in our house, a more natural positive sense of humour, where I on the other hand think I'm the only who gets my sense of humour. In my head, I think I'm a hoot, but the family think the opposite. In work, I get the attention of being funny, where my wife would just roll her eyes at me. So confused.com there.

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@LukeJ You have to get that sense of humor! The funny bone is a great bone to have. It's really nice when you can just brush things off and take things lightly. When you aren't wired to be this way, it's really hard to understand while people are so easy going. Up tight people tend to take things literally and at face value. Those with a sense of humor tend to be more free spirited. I guess I could say I'm both. I don't typically understand jokes. I tend to fit the "blonde" stereotype. Have you seen the show The Office? I have so many friends that fell in love with the show and its humor. This show is so silly to me! I don't understand it. I don't get it. People describe it as dry humor. That type of humor is not funny at all to me! I prefer sarcasm over that any day.

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I completely agree in regards to sense of humour, it's a tricky one. I love telling dad jokes, it brings me joy. I love seeing people's reactions to it too, some howl with laughter, others just shake their heads and walk away. Brilliant on both scores. I have seen the UK version of the office, not the US. I'm like you, I really didn't like it or get it. To me, that type of comedy is not funny. I'm more old fashioned, and love the older type of sitcoms. 

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@LukeJ I love anyone with a good sense of humor! Not everyone laughs at my jokes, but when someone does it's so exciting. I agree, even when someone walks away and shakes their head is still shows you came up with a pretty awesome joke! The Office is considered a satire, which is drier than dry humor. I also prefer the more lighthearted stuff. My kids actually watch some shows like Bluey that have tons of lighthearted humor in it. I would prefer that style of comedy! It tends to be more sarcastic. Sometimes good comedy comes from truly funny people. Some people are more cunning that others and some are just naturally hilarious! Everyone loves the funny person in the family. One of the children is the comic relief. That's how she gets away with things, by diverting our attention and making us laugh so hard to forget why we were upset. 

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It's true, the shake of the head and walk away reaction is the better of the reactions. It makes me laugh, and then I turn to walk away.  Even though we agree on the Office, I as I stated love simplified comedy. However, I've never heard of Bluey, I'm more into UK sitcoms than American, even though I love Friends, Frasier, and everybody loves Raymond. Our comedy differs from the US I'm told, with the UK comedy very sarcastic, yet the three IS shows I love are littered with sarcasm.

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@LukeJ You sound funny, to the point of blasphemy! I think I would understand your humor. Some people take such humor so offensively. It's all in good fun. I guess it can be easy to go overboard or maybe I can get carried away. I try not to be offensive, but sometimes people take it the wrong way. I often find myself making a joke and then letting the person know I'm joking and trying to be funny. It makes sense in my mind but not always for others. Comedy always has an ounce of truth and a whole lot of offending one party. You can either agree and laugh or get upset and find it rude. Comedy is my preferred performance amongst all other evening entertainment options onboard a cruise.

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Yeah, it's no fun when people tend to only see the offensive side to jokes. A joke is a joke. It's all about getting a reaction in a fun, harmless way. However some people tend to get serious too much for their own good. So note to myself, don't bother with those people no more. Just a simple nod in their direction will suffice next time. The ones that tend to get my goat up is the ones that just don't understand any jokes whatsoever and you have to explain it to them. I understand some jokes you don't get, depending on the subject. But I know people that are just baffled by the most simplest of gags, and then I get irritated because I have to explain it to them every time, to get a "I don't think it's funny". Well no, after having to explain the joke to you, even I don't find it funny anymore. A joke is a quick, initial throwaway gag to initiate a response quickly. If we have to analyse it, and have it explained in detail, it doesn't become a joke anymore, it becomes an explanation.

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