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Hoosier sailor

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Hoosier sailor last won the day on September 27 2022

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  1. Hi Deanna-- I would say all of my cruises have been incredible in their own way. Hawaii (15 days from Los Angeles), Alaska 2X, and the San Diego to Miami have all been towards the tops of the list. Where have you sailed?
  2. We are looking at sailing b2b out of New Orleans in November. Although I have sailed 30 plus times, this will be the first from New Orleans. We are looking to drive down from Illinois, so day before and day after things to do, parking and leaving car at hotel or elsewhere, Any other pertinent information. Prior to Covid I had sailed Radiance several times, but still need info there too. This will be my retirement cruise!! Randy
  3. I have been on both ships, years ago. Personally, speaking I would take a Radiance class ship every time.
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