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Las Vegas Pat

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  1. My husband took while we were passengers on the Carnival Glory from April 24, 2022 to May 1, 2022? I used a wash cloth each evening and morning for my face and in the shower. About Day 3 of our trip I began to notice the cloth was yellow after I hung it up on the towel bar in the bathroom. I thought there might have been rust on the towel bar so just ignored it and used a clean wash cloth each time. Finally, on Day 4 I held the cloth under the bathroom tap and it turned yellow while the water was pouring over it. I showed my husband and he took the video attached which shows a clean plastic glass filling with water from our tap and it becoming yellow as it fills. On Day 5 I told our cabin steward about this situation. He informed me that all of the cabins along our side of the ship on this deck had yellow water. I told him this was not good because many people drink the water from their tap when they brush their teeth or take medicine. No response. I felt it was futile for one day left on the cruise to complain to customer service on the ship. This is a much bigger issue than one unhappy passenger! We were subjected to this contaminated, disgusting water issue without any knowledge and it ruined our trip with thinking about what it may have done to our skin as we showered and washed daily. The response from Carnival has been that this was due to sediment that sometimes gets dislodged due to the ships movement. And that it’s intermittent. I have submitted this complaint to the appropriate government agency, but anyone choosing to travel in CRnival should be aware of their lack of concern to passenger health and safety.
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