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The cruise we were on doesn't have a massive pool. I was quite surprised by that, I thought they would have had a bigger one than it was. There was an infinity pool outside at the top deck which was freezing and my son refused to go in, so we decided to go to the inside pool which was no room to even stand in, so that was a major disappointment. But saying that, it was still nice to get into the water at some point and just purely chill out. We had more fun with the games instead.

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@LukeJ It really depends on the cruise type. I have noticed those bigger ships are the ones with massive or multiple pools. It you are going on a cooler itinerary, pools are likely less popular. I don't understand why that pool wouldn't be heated! If it's freezing, no one wants to go it! It's almost a waste of space. Do you think it just didn't have a heater? Sometimes I wonder if the pools aren't heater because they aren't equipped with one. Indoor pools are the best. You don't have to worry about any of the elements including rain. I don't like feeling crammed in the pool or jacuzzi either. Jacuzzis seem to be packed all day long! 

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Good point, maybe it didn't have a heater installed. Despite it being a nice warm day, it's still not nice to force a child into freezing water ha ha. Inside was nice and warm but as stated, hardly any room. And youngsters started to spoil things by diving in despite there being signs everywhere stating that they shouldn't. I would have liked to have gone into the jacuzzi at some point, but it was constantly full so never had the chance.

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@LukeJ I have wondered the same. Are any cruise ship pools even heated? Unless it's super sunny out those pools can be so icy! I wish there was a way to know if the pools would be warm or not before I booked the cruise. Maybe it just depends on the cruise line. I'm going to just take a wild guess and assume that the "older" lines have heated pools only. the older crowd typically has strong opinions about pool temperatures. The young crowd is typically more tolerable. I'm glad you didn't force your son into the frozen water. What is the point of having an infinity pool onboard if it's too cold for guests to enjoy? I find the jacuzzis to be pretty gross, even though there are tons of chemicals floating around inside. It's better to get a suite with a private jacuzzi or don't go in the jacuzzis at all. The last time my kids cruised, they got staph from a paper cut and they passed it on to one another. That was a bear to get rid of in my home!

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Yes I thought that myself, when my wife stated that there was an infinity pool onboard. I was a little disappointed when I saw it on the ship as it wasn't much bigger than my bath. The jacuzzi did look a decent size however there was no room at all for us to even get near. They were certainly popular.

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@LukeJ I'm most impressed that the infinity pool wasn't for adults only. It's one of my favorite pools on any ship, and I have always experienced it as adults-only. I'm always with my kids so this adults-only pool has yet to be enjoyed by me and it sucks! I wish I could enjoy it with my kids nearby, but it's a big no onboard the ships I have cruised on. The other pools are great too, but there is nothing like the infinity pool views. Jacuzzis are a hit on a cruise. It's hard to get a spot in one, and when you do, you have no personal space. I recommend going to the whirlpool in the serenity decks or spas. Those are the best jacuzzis and less inhabited. I much prefer to spend a little extra for a quiet spa day pass. It's worth it.

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My wife wanted to use the spa but never did, but then once the vacation was over, I got a mouthful from her for not treating her to the spa. I can't win with her honestly. The infinity did look amazing overlooking the ship, but in all honesty, I didn't care for going in, and was only going in for my son. 

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@LukeJ A day at the spa isn't too much honestly! What costs the most are the treatments. Facials, massages, and all of those additional services are much more expensive onboard a cruise. A day pass to the thermal suites can sometimes cost around $25, which isn't bad for a full day pass. For a super serene, quiet, and private place onboard, it's really worth it. You can literally just go in there and read a book or sunbathe with hardly anyone around. It's pretty awesome. I recommend you and your wife giving it a go on your next cruise. It sounds like the infinity pool wasn't busy because of the water temperature. If the water is decently warm, that pool is always popping! Guests fill it up!

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My wife could have easily gone to the spa and bought her own admission. I kept telling her that. We have a joint account so it would have been the same. I don't believe in all these type of games where women drop hints at something. Just tell me straight. I know where I stand then. I spoil her year round, and forever buy her flowers and treat her to something that I think she would like. Even if it's something small, and I'm in the shops, if I think she would like that product, I will get it for her. 

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@LukeJ I wouldn't want to swim in their freezing water either! The women dropping hints component is so funny and typical. As as women, dropping hints is certainly in our DNA. I tend to be more direct with my husband to ensure he gets what needs to happen completed. This direct behavior leaves my husband feeling as though I'm bossing him around. Unfortunately, it's in his DNA to veg on the sofa as much as he can unless given direction to do otherwise. He operates as his best when there is much to get done and he has no choice but to get up and perform. Subtle hints are truly gentler approach, but it's not always understood. Next time, no hints should be dropped; she should do the spa! 

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@LukeJ Your comment made me laugh. It's just a common discrepancy amongst couples. I definitely end up wanting more than my husband wants to spend. I happen to want so many things for our new home (because we won't have much), but my husband doesn't want any decor. He wants a lawn mower, new golf clubs, a boat club membership, and a beer fridge. Our interests are not aligned. I'm thinking a living room rug, a new shower curtain, and some matching quilts for the kids room! 

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@Kendall James-Vargas yup I think it's universal the discrepancy if couples. In fact, I like keeping our house in order, my wife always buys things for it to brighten the rooms and add a bit of decor, I'm all for it. It's just never ending, she just wants, wants, wants. We would all love an endless pot of money and just spoil ourselves, but unfortunately the world doesn't work like that. My wife always plans future things before enjoying the here and now. It absolutely infuriates me. She would want the kitchen done, as soon as we saved for it, the moment we begin the process of doing the actual job of a new kitchen, shes planning the next assignment. Or vacations, before we even go on it, she's wanting the next one. Enjoy this first!!! We haven't even been on this vacation yet and shes wanting the next one. Its constant all the time. I'm exhausted.

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@LukeJ That's definitely a struggle! I mean a nice well-decorated home has no bounds. You can decorate and enhance something all the time. There really is no limit. Sometimes its hard to enjoy the here and now! It's certainly good to do both! You have to be present and appreciate that, but you have to plan for and look forward to the future too. You and your spouse sound like a good balance actually. When it comes to cruising, I'm the same way, like an addict. I can't get enough. I constantly want to do more! This bothers my husband too, but when I book another on the cruise while he's relaxed and having a good time, he usually obliges. As the saying goes, strike while the iron is hot!

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@Kendall James-Vargas there was just the financial aspect that puts pressure on us. If all these plans are expected, then I'm putting in extra hours. I don't mind if that's the reason for a vacation or a home improvement project, but my wife expects everything. So she's already planning at least 3 vacations and a big job in the house. What annoys me is that she works part time. 

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@LukeJ It's true! I would prefer to live simply and afford cruising than live luxuriously. Everyone has their preferred spending habits, but cruising to me is so worthwhile. Yes, you have to live a little day to day, but I'm willing to save monthly for a middle class cruise. I don't go out to eat much at all, and never order take out of delivery. My subscriptions are minimal, and I'm fine to live this way. When I cruise I don't hold back. That's my one week a year where I feel free to live like a queen. I guess if you are working part time, you can expect it all. Full time hours typically make you more, but you have to do what feels right! I prefer to work to cruise. I'm willing to put in the work to afford cruising!

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@LukeJ Yes! I tend to really focus on spending "out" only when there is a special occasion or necessity to do so. For instance, I will go out for dinner to celebrate a friend's birthday or to do something special for a family member. I won't however go and grab a coffee or tea on a whim. If an old friend invites me to a coffee date, I will go and enjoy, but I won't be going without a reason. For most people I think "I'm thirsty" is reason enough, but that's not the case for me. Everyone is so different. My in laws are super crazy about the water heater and light usage. They are so tight with their electricity and I have spent many hours basically in the dark in their living room. I have to ask them to turn the water heater on to bathe my children. To me, that sort of electricity saving is impractical. It's a bit extreme. But if it works for them, then whatever. Everyone saves money how they want to, but I need my water heater on all day long.

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@Kendall James-Vargas yes quite right, there are better ways to save money than being tight on the electricity. In fact not heating your house is quite bad for the house because you're not allowing it to get the right temperature and that could encourage mould to appear and wet patches on the walls. So even if you want to save money, there are better ways to do that. Moving to cheaper companies for bills is a must for me. I'd give up some luxuries in order to feed and heat my family. I've even walked to work or walked to the shops to save a respite in using petrol (gasoline) for the car. Every little bit helps I guess. 

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@LukeJ To each their own! I have my own perspectives, but I definitely like access to warm water when I feel like it. Unfortunately in the US you don't have options for electricity. It's basically one service option and that's it. in Florida it's FPL (Florida Power and Light). If you want power and you want light, you have to use FPL. I guess if walking to work is an option you can certainly do that! Where I'm located the opportunity is hard to find. Most things are very spread out. Saving on gas is nice too, but also want to go wherever as I please without feeling limited. I wish the public bus system here was better. Using my car is so much easier with carseats and instant transit without having to wait for a particular time to hitch a ride.

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