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@3Sisters it is mad how conversations can stem from another conversation. I must get that from my mother, she can start talking about a subject, and just drift off some places far and wide, and we end up talking about something far removed from the original subject and I never get to hear what she was talking about in the first place. Nor do I plan to go back and revisit that conversation anyway. But a nice shop onboard would suit me just fine.

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@LukeJ It's a great character trait! I love talkative people that hold long conversations. You must talk on the phone with her for hours. My mom is like that and she talks on the phone for hours. Personally, I mostly just listen to her and our conversations still last over an hour. That's nice you enjoy long conversations too. My brother does not like long conversations so he cuts my mom short pretty much every phone conversation they have. You could sell watches or jewelry onboard. The shops are never too busy anyhow so you could actually enjoy the store! If only you could earn commission off of what you sold, but that would be pretty unlikely as a crew member.


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Yeah the conversations are one sided, so I do try to cut her short. I'm not one for talking on pho es, I'd much rather a one on one face to face conversation, and you can react to each others facial expressions. I do enjoy selling, as I used to have my own business, and selling was a key part of that. I don't count myself as very confident, but if I'm selling myself and I'm comfortable in talking about something I'm passionate about, then I'm guessing that's enough.

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@LukeJ If you are a social person, working at an onboard shop is a great job! If you are social and high energy, an activities coordinator could be a great position but you have to be very high-energy. I love the activities coordinators that are constantly smiling and moving, clapping their hands. I could never do that all day thought. My social battery would run low pretty quickly. Did you enjoy owning your own business? I have been hesitant to do it because it's a 24/7 responsibility. I have always enjoyed showing up, doing an excellent job, and then not feeling the constant pressure to go back to working because I'm the sole proprietor. It's a heavy load. Selling something you love is key! If you don't love what you sell, it will reflect in your performance. The fake it till you make it mentality can only last for so long. 

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I agree that it would be a fantastic job and a great opportunity for a single person to take. To see the world, and be part of something is quite an exciting thing. If I could have my time all over again, it would be something I would to do. I ran two businesses, and I loved every minute of it. I loved the buzz and the excitement of doing something and creating my own thing and always being on the move. I highly recommend it to anyone. 

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@LukeJ It sounds like we may have similar interests! My husband is in sales and seems to enjoy the product he sells. Thankfully he's passionate about it enough to go above and beyond. What's crazy is I wouldn't tell you more than two sentences about what he sells, and he could talk about it for hours (but then again that's what he does for a living). I believe that consistency is great, but it's important to spice things up and keep things interesting. Sometimes trying something new can be really good after you get burnt out of doing the same things over and over again for years on end. You have to get out of the mundane sometimes and step out of your comfort zone! I appreciate you sharing on how owning your own business was something you have enjoyed and would recommend. You never know; I may end up trying it out someday! 

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I've always changed jobs. My wife despairs of it, but it's what keeps me interested. I do get not only bored in work, but also unfulfilled. A lot of managers or owners I've worked for are self absorbed and they don't treat their workers right, hence the high volume of staff. A lot have ripped me and others off with wages, and they find that fine to do. My outlook to that is that I've been on time each day, smartly dressed, hygienic, done the job that is expected of me and more, and always the last to leave as I like to oversee everything and make sure it's done all correctly before I leave. And in return sometimes I get them purposely undercutting my money hoping I won't notice, just to save them a bit. When that happens, I've checked out mentally and no longer wish to work for them anymore 

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@LukeJ I much appreciate your conversations and how easy it is to communicate with you! I can imagine talking to your mom for such long periods isn't always ideal, but it's so special that you have been able to sustain such a nice bond with her through the years. Many children loose touch with their parents as they age. Owning your own business could be so fun! What business type was your favorite to own? Is there a business you haven't tried yet but would be interested to own? 

That personality type has its pros and cons. Always striving for more is a great way to be! It can lead to being easily unsatisfied because you are seeking for more. That can end up being a negative, but has it's pros depending on the circumstance! For instance, my husband is always doing a side hustle and dabbling in tons of random hobbies that keep him entertained. He's basically the hobby king. I don't mind it as long as he's still able to earn a sustainable income/benefits while doing it. At this stage in our life, his work is very important to the financial stability of our home. 

This situation you encountered in your previous work mentioned is such a shame. I don't blame you for not wanting to be employed by them anymore. They aren't loyal to you, so why should you be loyal to them? You can't feel happy there if the employer isn't treating you with any respect, and clearly they aren't.

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You only have the one mother, and once she's gone, that's it. So she may drive me insane at times, and I do to her probably, but she's all I got. So it puts things into perspective in that point of view.

My businesses I've had a photography studio and owned a local cafe which I thoroughly enjoyed. I sold them for a good profit, but sometimes I do miss running it. I would love to own a small restaurant, but not sure if that would ever happen now.

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@LukeJ That's right! You get one mother and if you are lucky she's a good one. Luckily I had a good one, but she doesn't come without flaws; no one does! I'm thankful for each moment I get to see/talk to her, and I try not to taken any off those moments for granted (although they are sometimes stressful). Sometimes talking to her too often can be overwhelming because I don't have the free time she has so she can talk for much longer than I without interruption. I'm interrupted every 5 minutes on the phone, which frustrates her. 

A photography studio sounds so fun! My husband enjoys photography (one of his many hobbies), but he has never ventured to do it in a studio setting. The cafe could be so fun! I would love to start a doughnut shop, but food businesses are hard! You have to follow so many rules (rightfully so), but it's a full-time, non-stop commitment. It seems every business you have started has been successful, and I think if you still have a dream of starting a small restaurant you should go for it! If I had a successful track record like you, I don't think I would feel as intimidated. 

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Thank you and running a good business is probably not as hard as people think. It's the same as most things, as if you are organised and on top of things, then it's easier than if you leave it all pile up. Being a chef, I thrive on preparation. As long as everything is ready, it can be as busy as you want it, getting into a rhythm makes it simpler. The biggest buzz is building your company, knowing that this once was an idea and it's a reality living out.

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@LukeJ One of the biggest perks to running your own business could be managing it your own way! I lack courage to just do it because I have a thousand and one doubts in the back of my mind. Since it's unfamiliar territory, it's hard to find the motivation to take the risk! You are clearly a strategically successful business owner and you have enjoyed the benefits. The financial inconsistency and initial investment daunt me. There are so many what ifs as a newbie. It has to be a really liberating feeling to enjoy the rewards of your hard work and diligence. You are quite motivating! 

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@Kendall James-Vargas thank you, very kind words. It is hard, and you don't have time to have doubts. I guess the secret is if you make a decision, stick with it regardless because you won't have the time or finances to keep altering it. But the biggest secret for me is not to think you are right at every opportunity, that big headedness will be your downfall in my opinion. I seek advice, to people with more experience than myself and listen to staff advice.

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@LukeJ That's great advice! You have to have followthrough with your commitments even if they don't end up being the best choice. I can imagine backtracking after noticing you aren't succeeding do more harm than good. Beginning from square one again, wasting more time/energy/resources could end up being a worse call. 

That's another excellent tip! You have to be humble and realistic enough to realize that you won't always be right. Admitting your mistakes and downfalls isn't easy, it makes maturity, but a smart business owner has to take ownership of their actions! Seeking advice from others is huge. That's why I happen to love the cruise boards actually, because I learn so much from others! I can't pretend I know everything. How could I? I learn so much about ports of call and different cruise ships everyday. I would love the opportunity to cruise them all, but I haven't had the time or resources for that yet! There are so many cruise lines. It's almost impossible to try them all in a timely fashion. 

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This is what creates an experienced business person. Everyone makes mistakes, and anyone who says different is a liar. Nobody knows what the market or the business is going to do one week from the next. You can either try and manipulate it to go your way, or you can get lucky and jump on and continue. 

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@LukeJ I love how honest you are! It's true that everyone makes mistakes and to deny that is a horrible character trait. You have to be humble enough to state when you are wrong too. Life's all about balance! Not everyone is right 24/7. It's hard to befriend a person who acts that way. Life is full of unexpected circumstances and sometimes you just have to roll with the punches. It sounds like this same analogy works in business. How many hours a week did you typically have to spend on your business? I have always been under the impression owning your own business is very time consuming. 

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@Kendall James-Vargas thank you for your kind words. It's true though about making mistakes. At the time it's not nice or fun when you do make one, but it's a positive thing to as you now know in future I won't make that mistake again which ultimately could sway you to make a better decision in the long run. I love hearing and reading about successful people that have made it from starting from the beginning. That takes dedication, a lot of bottle, commitment and luck along the way. I worked long hours when I had businesses because if I hadn't done that work, then nothing would get done because nothing just comes to you, you have to go and get that. Couldn't afford to employ someone else as I started out, so you would dedicate your life in building something.

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@LukeJ Now that's true wisdom right there! It's important to learn from our mistakes and also wise to seek council from others who have been there and done that. You can only grow to be better and better if you live this way. Life is all about being open to change and growing more and more each day. Sedentary people don't go far. You have to be ambitious enough to try new things! I love how open minded you are about hearing from others! This mindset has likely driven you towards all of your successes! It's a beautiful sacrifice, giving your business 110%. It's not for the faint of heart, but clearly you are skilled at it. There is a niche for business advisors! You would be such a great resource to someone just starting out.

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If everything is given to you, how do you expect to learn. Knowledge is the best tool a person can have. I can tell you that it won't work several times, but unless you learn from that yourself, you won't know. I coach the children in sports and I'm always encouraging them just to go for it. I don't want to see anyone fail, however, you have choices. You can keep going the same way and keep failing. You can try and better that another way, or you can try another way

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@LukeJ That's right. Knowledge is key, and it's important to be open to learning more. Close-minded people don't do far because they aren't open to learning/acquiring new skills. Not being afraid of failure is another huge one! You seem like a motivational speaker. All the parents must love when you coach. You aren't just teaching the sport; you are teaching life skills! All of these things are practical and applicable to everyday life. Open to change is another great one! All of these things will guide a person to a successful life. These perspectives also keep you open minded to explore new places and try new things. It's easy to just live life in your bubble, but branching out and trying new things will expand your horizons! That's why I love cruising, exploring new places and keeping an open mind to learn about other places/cultures. 

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@Kendall James-Vargas i do try when coaching, and as you state, I try not only to teach them about the sport, but life in general. The meaning and the importance of being in a team, the discipline and manners required to make you a good student. However most of the parents are worse than the children, and some of the time, they let down the team with their behaviour. So we can't win them all really. 

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@LukeJ You are a star coach. Most teams are desperate for good coaches around my area. Coaches aren't compensated well enough (or at all), particularly for the amount of time and effort it takes to get little children to follow directions. Parents want their kids to play certain sports but they don't want to time the time/energy to participate themselves. It all falls on the coach to keep the team functioning and together. Especially for those younger ages, it's such a challenge! Five and six year olds get confused where the goals are half the time. It's like herding cattle! I'm saying this based on experience. My six year old tries to score goals in the other goal quite often. It's embarrassing, but clearly she isn't a soccer star. 

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Unfortunately that's the way of life for some. What I found is that you have the natural ones, that want to do well and absorb every bit of information like a sponge, and go out each week and give it their all. You have others that love the game, but unwilling to listen to anything you say. Others that simply have no idea what they are doing despite many many years of repeating, and then the last ones that do not want to be there whatsoever and stubbornly refuse to do anything. 

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@LukeJ You should be a life coach! I like your perspectives. I wish more influential personnel were as impactful as you are. There are so many horrid influences out there for kids today. If only some influences could be as meaningful and well-thought. Your intentions are awesome, and you are one patient coach! I agree that most coaches aren't that great. When the parents make coaching harder, it's such a pain. That's why there is such a shortage of good coaches! Some parents want their children to the be the best, even though they aren't. It's not the coaches fault that some children are more self-motivated or naturally more talented/passionate than other players. I would rather be a tennis coach than a team sport coach. That's so much to handle. It's a too many little minds to get a handle on.

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Whenever I begin my life coaching seminars, shall I count on your attendance ha ha? I do get majority of compliments for how we coach the children, I push them to get the best out of them, and will not apologise for that. I can see potential in them, it's just about unlocking that and giving them the confidence to go for it. Sometimes that takes time. The gifts I receive from parents when we have presentation evening for the children's is grately appreciated. Obviously it is a voluntary exercise, I do it for the love of the game, and excites me when I see players thrive.

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