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Beverage Increases

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Yeah the prices of products have all gone up, therefore added to the consumer costs in return. It's alarming how high a jump in percentage the costs have gone. I worked in the hospitality trade for a long time, and to see the way the cost of things raised, and I don't mean just your standard inflation costs, but a huge 300% leap because of some feeble excuse coming from the companies. We used to buys 25kg bags of potatoes for our dinners, and they would cost £6 a bag. Five years later, they have risen to £28 a bag!! I don't understand how they can justify these costs at such an alarming rate. Oil is the worst, the prices of cooking oil is not even funny anymore. 

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@LukeJ That's a huge influx! It's not fair you should have such wild increases over a relatively short period of time. I don't see how the locals are supportive of this. Is there a way for everyone to fight back against all of these crazy prices? I don't think the cost of potatoes could be justifiable, even if it costs more to import them. It's just a simple item. Potatoes are notoriously cheap too! The fact the locals are barley affording food is a problem. Did all of the price jumps happen during the pandemic? That happened here but has all pretty much leveled back out since. 

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@Kendall James-Vargas yes it's a shocking rate isn't it. So with sugar taxes raising things, and other taxes raising about everything, what was once considered a cheap meal of fish and chips(fries) is now a very expensive treat. The government just blame everything and everyone for the raise and it never ever drops back down. They are quite sneaky in the manner they do things also, thinking us Brits are stupid not to see what they are up to. For example they would raise the price of petrol (gasoline) in the middle of the year for example 4% and again blame everything. Then when they get to do their Budgets, which is what the chancellor of the Exchequer drops or raises certain taxes, they drop the price of petrol by 1% and make out they are doing the people of the UK a favour and saving them money.

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@LukeJ I love fish and chips! It's a classic. I don't like that public manipulation game you are explaining. A 4% increase in gasoline is significant. I wouldn't be so keen on staying in a place that treats it's people in such a way. How is tourism to your area? Do you find it's very popular for tourism. Maybe it's becoming a more transient city. 

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@LukeJ It sounds like I would want to visit the UK but not live there. Those high taxes are made for the tourists, not for the people. It would make more sense if tourists were charged more in taxes to visit there and the locals were charged less. Why are people wanting to enter if they can't afford? The immigrant problem is very prominent here too. The amount of taxes going to fund immigrants and their lifestyle is absurd. I like the idea of helping those in need, but when the lifestyle my taxes are funding for others is better than my own, that I work so hard for, there is something wrong. 

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@Kendall James-Vargas I'd say you should visit the UK. It's a beautiful place with so much to do and to see. It does have its problems, especially as you are residents, but holidaymakers will enjoy. Wales has fantastic views and the great outdoors as well as Scotland. If you don't mind the weather being mostly wet, you will find this island charming.

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@LukeJ It does sound worth it to explore! I just have to find a good flight price and some extra free time. Which airport would you recommend flying into for the best fare prices? I have friends who love Scotland and Ireland. My aunt and uncle are now empty nesters and plan non retiring there. They went on a trip years ago and fell in love. I would imagine in the next 5-10 years they will be moving there. They are both doctors so they have a bit more working life in them until they retire. I don't mind the humid weather but I wouldn't enjoy the snowy ice in the winter.

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I'd say Heathrow or Gatwick is the easiest to fly into the UK. Ireland is a beautiful country, very friendly people too. I've always been to the south so flying from the UK to Shannon airport is lovely for me. I've never flown to Scotland, I've always driven or caught the train up to Edinburgh. It's a country that's full of history. I've always been fond of the Scottish and know I will have a wonderful time every occasion I go. I do hope your aunt and uncle find the time to go as I'm sure it will be a positive move for them.

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@LukeJ Thanks for sharing some good airports to fly unto the UK. I never know which airports to choose when looking into new areas. I don't even know the good airlines to take because I really only fly within the US. That's why I love the cruise boards. It's the best way to gain insight about traveling to new places. I love to do my research ahead of time and learn from other's experiences! 

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Admittedly cruising is far easier and luxurious than flying. Even when you arrive at the cruise port, within twenty minutes you are on the ship and starting your vacation. With flying, you have to arrive hours before, wait hours to get stuffed on a plane. Cruising is definitely the way forward.

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