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trina monley

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  1. We are booked on Epic on 17 May out of Rome. I can't find any information on the site regarding European ports only Caribbean. Obviously the rate of Covid vaccinated people in Europe would be higher than Caribbean islands so we need more information on that.
  2. Here in Australia, the mask policy has been dropped except for on public transport. Cruise ships are not even allowed to come here as yet. Our cruise is in May from Rome, who knows what will be happening then.
  3. Thanks for that information. We have had a recent problem with NCL, a bit different to yours. Just after we paid our final payment, they reduced the fare by a whopping $2,000. We have been refused either a refund, partial refund, future cruise credit, on board credit, excursion credit or anything else we suggested. This is after cruising with NCL 7 times already. Never again, we are going to Celebrity next time.
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