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  1. I guess I liked the size and simplicity, and I was traveling with great friends. It was the perfect cruise. The Jubilee incident was in January. We were on a back to back. A guest was badly injured and they asked for blood. Then about 2-3 hours from Cozumel on the way back to Galveston we had to turn around and go back. As soon as we got to Cozumel he died. The cruise before that a woman fell and had to be air airambulanced to Florida. Ships that size are going to have these issues, so I avoid them.
  2. Lol, I wasn't banned from the chocolate bar exchange. I had a medical episode, and they banned me from the cruise and all future cruises for life. I had 8 booked. I had to call the US Embassy in the US and in Rome to intervene. It was my 50th cruise. Yes, the candy bar exchange is a blast. I did groups for 5. You would be in that group and purchase and deliver 4 candy bars to mailboxes inc you sill receive 4.
  3. I am wondering the same. When we were on the Jubilee the gangway in Galveston failed to operate. After it was repaired tug boats had to push us up to the dock. My opinion is they are running these ships nonstop and possibly not only the ships are in trouble, but the docks are having issues. The docks have been through some major hurricanes and don't know the inspection process, but they seems are so pressured to open up quickly.
  4. I think they got $400 or a full cruise credit because of the delay and the itinerary change. Personally, I think if a ship has to be pulled out to sea by tug boats it shouldn't be in service until the problem is solved. It has been an on going issue. It's my favorite ship. I hope they will put it back in dry dock and fix it.
  5. I just googled it. It's true, and they just did a bunch of repairs on it.
  6. You are so right! There is a paragraph or so in there that states anyone with any mental ailment can't cruise. This would mean people with PTSD. The heroes lounges are full of Vets with PTSD. It is something I have been concerned about for a few years and have wondered if I might have it. I have confided in my doctor, but have had no symptoms or triggers until a cruise I took in Europe. I was found sitting on the balcony crying after calling the clinic for help. The quacker (doesn't even deserve to be called a doctor) said he thought my drink had been poisoned, and he made some inappropriate assumptions. No tests! I questioned his ethics and training. He was furious. He then put me under cabin arrest for 48 hours, kicked me off the ship and had the Captain ban me...........in a foreign country. I will never know what happened, and I don't remember too much. There was a trigger. A drunk man in the casino gave me a high five and nearly broke my hand. My hand was black and blue and the medics checked it out and gave me a bucket of ice. He scared me, and I lost sleep for two nights. Since I did have the exact symptoms as someone that has had a laced drink and someone that had a PTSD moment I suspect it was one of the two. The doctor threatened me, so I called the US Embassy to help get me safely off the ship. I was taken off the ship minus a diamond necklace I never take off. I have filed reports with the FBI, Dept. of Transportation and Maritime. BUYER BEWARE......if you suffer from depression, anxiety, PTSD, bipolar/schizophrenia and have an episode on the ship the contract allows you to be removed from the ship at anytime and anywhere.
  7. Before I was banned in August.......terrible, long story.........I hosted a candy bar exchange on all the cruises I went on. The guests loved it and would bring candy made in their city, state or country. It's fun.
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