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Ruth Eckert

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  1. My husband loves the different towel animals! And he’s definitely not childish. But we absolutely don’t need one everyday. I agree the room stewards are swamped with their duties and I’d appreciate it more if he/she rested or took care of themselves. On that note-TIP YOUR STEWARD GENEROUSLY in addition to prepaid gratuities.
  2. I absolutely agree. When I reserve a handicapped cabin, I have to send the measurements of my scooter to the cruise line. Therefore verifying I’m totally handicapped and need that space.
  3. The mobility scooter issue boils down to one thing: the cruise ships have limited handicapped cabins available on each ship. So, when you arrive at the port for embarkation, there’s always a company there that rents scooters to passengers with regular cabins. Therefore, the scooters don’t fit in cabins. And you’ve got a ton of people on the ship that have never used a scooter before running roughshod over the ship.
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