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Cruise Hive Boards

Jim D

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Posts posted by Jim D

  1. Emotional Support Dogs are just that. They provided a person with comfort and support. They are NOT Service Dogs, who are well trained and licensed as such for persons with disabilities, Veterans and other situations. I am sickened by the people who think they can consider a 7 pound lap dog as a Service Dog and bring them onboard and parade around the ship like there a king. I experienced this on a cruise several years back while shopping at a store onboard when we came across a lady holding a small dog. After every other person walking by said how cute, I was wondering why the hell is there a dog onboard the ship. I asked the ship employee who stated that the dog was her service dog because she had asthma. What? No way. Then the husband is carrying it around the ship and I see him at the Military Veterans get together where HE is carrying the dog around with wife nowhere in sight. I asked this man a question about his Service Dog and he became agitated and was fumbling his words trying to describe his reasoning for having the dog with him. As a Veteran, this allowance by ships, theme parks and other common areas are a disgrace to those persons who truly struggle day to day and only can manage life struggles by having a Service Dog companion.

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