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Everything posted by 3Sisters

  1. @Kirk Gillespie That's wild the insurance didn't work out here. Did you end up cruising with your t-shirt? It's unfortunate you felt the need to take the cruise even thought you were ill and still contagious. Masked-cruising isn't the same, and at this point I doubt you were even motivated to mask. If the cruise line doesn't care about you being sick, then why should you care? It's commendable that you were trying to avoid passing it on to others. I would rather cruise healthy than when I'm not feeling well. I hope you recover quickly!
  2. @Woody14 Thanks for sharing your Canadian perspective. Out of most places around the world, the US is one of those countries that tips pretty generously, more than most. Since the US is a melting pot and lots of visitors and foreign residents are here, not everyone knows the tipping expectation. It's something that has to be learned, and it definitely jacks up the price of your meal. I think that's why fast food companies are so desired and popular. People want to go out to eat, not having to cook food at home, but pay a lower price without having to tip. Even when you go to a simple drive through coffee shop, you are encouraged to tip. I don't really enjoy tipping for a coffee or a tea at a drive through. I despise it so much I avoid going out for coffee at all costs. I'm an avid coffee drinker (daily), but I probably go out for a drink once a year. That's only because I'm traveling all night and have no option to make it elsewhere. Spending on drinks is such a money waster. I only want to spend on drinks if I'm on a cruise ship. I'm willing to dish out more while on a cruise vacation.
  3. Has anyone cruised out of Santos (Sao Paulo), Brazil before? I'm looking into an MSC Seaview itinerary for next year, 2025, that would cruise out just before travel visas became mandatory for US citizens. I have been on MSC Seaview's sister ships and feel very confident about the ship itself. It seems the cruise line has expanded immensely in South America, and I would love to try out a new itinerary! Since I haven't been to Brazil, I'm curious about this cruise port and local airport in Santos. Thanks in advanced!
  4. @Stan Biffard Will you be on that 116-day cruise? Even though the itinerary has changed slightly, I still feel you will be able to immensely enjoy this cruise. Yes, it's a bummer changes have already been made for your January 20, 2025 itinerary, but at least Princess Cruises was honorable enough to notify guests ahead of time. Unfortunately, I'm noticing that cruise lines have been holding off until the last second to notify guests about itinerary changes. Personally, I prefer to learn about the changes rather than later. It's more courteous nonetheless. @Woody14 That's true. Hopefully that area regulates sooner than later.
  5. Those Disney characters are so festive! One of the most unique things about DCL's private island are these characters. That's something you won't find with other cruise lines. Yes, mascots can be seen here and there, but there is something very special about these characters. They are iconic! Disney Cay at Lookout Point will offers so many activities for all age groups including Disney Fun in the Sun Beach Bash with Goofy's Good Day Limbo and Pluto's Pineapple Ring Toss. These characters will be engaging in ways that are unique to DCL and Disney Cay at Lookout Point. I'm very much looking forward to it.
  6. @Seaawgs I think there is a great possibility for that! The lifestyle has to be very open-minded so I would imagine the time would be packed with fun and adventures. This type of cruising is new to me, but there really is certain types of cruising for everyone. Clearly this targets a niche group of people, but I have seen even more niche itineraries out there. What would be a type of fan cruise you would enjoy? A wellness cruise has always interested me. There was a "Goop at Sea" cruise that sounded intriguing to me a couple years back.
  7. @kefthecruiser The perk of this cruise is that you pack less! It's a bare minimum experience. I was thinking, does the dining room require clothing? I can't imagine sitting down with no clothes in the MDR. I'm almost scared to think about walking down the buffet and sitting down on a banquet that's just been used by a bare bottom. It may not be the cruise for me, but it has to be such a cool experience! For those that enjoy this lifestyle, it has to be a liberating experience. It's a once in a lifetime experience for sure!
  8. @euroguy That's right! I guess it's good publicity and good deeds are important acts of kindness. I didn't even think about the publicity piece. I thought maybe the government would give kickbacks of some sort for the time spent on the rescue. I'm not really sure how the legal logistics that occur after the refugees are spotted and found. I think the refugees are taken back to their country of residence. Would the refugees be punished for escaping? These are more details I'm curious about.
  9. @Seth I found an itinerary for you! Princess Cruises will be cruising a total eclipse sailing that may interest you. Would you be interested in cruising to these destinations? https://www.cruisehive.com/princess-cruises-reveals-2026-total-eclipse-voyage/132185
  10. @kefthecruiser That's a shame! That means CCL could be doing much better in this department. CCL should be giving gifts that guests want to keep an enjoy, not toss away. I also don't like to keep clutter so unless it's serving a purpose it needs to go away. Also the fact of dusting something you don't need is so counter productive! Things should make your life easier, not more chaotic. Clutter can feel very chaotic. I use reusable bags weekly and keep them in my car. I use them for groceries or sports equipment. I also use totes for the pool a few times a week, so a durable bag could get a good amount of use. CCL is a lower-priced cruise line in comparison to cruise lines that offer more exclusive gifts to guests. I wouldn't expect a high-end gift from CCL, but I would expect a higher-quality gift from a luxury cruise line!
  11. @LukeJ As long as employees are getting paid enough, not having to tip does make sense. It keeps the workplace pretty fair. It could be possible the UK has better wages/salaries for its employees, and the US doesn't offer enough to make ends meet. A typical waiter in the US that heavily relies on tip at an average sit down restaurant will make $5.50 an hour plus tips, and these employees will heavily rely on their tips. In fact, if they don't get a tip, they could end up making less than the minimum wage, which is $7.25 per hour. Most places now pay at least $10 per hour, but it really should be more like $15 per hour. No one can live on such an income. The cost of living is just too high! Do you have to tip in France? I would assume the hospitality industry pays more there!
  12. @LukeJ That's right! You get one mother and if you are lucky she's a good one. Luckily I had a good one, but she doesn't come without flaws; no one does! I'm thankful for each moment I get to see/talk to her, and I try not to taken any off those moments for granted (although they are sometimes stressful). Sometimes talking to her too often can be overwhelming because I don't have the free time she has so she can talk for much longer than I without interruption. I'm interrupted every 5 minutes on the phone, which frustrates her. A photography studio sounds so fun! My husband enjoys photography (one of his many hobbies), but he has never ventured to do it in a studio setting. The cafe could be so fun! I would love to start a doughnut shop, but food businesses are hard! You have to follow so many rules (rightfully so), but it's a full-time, non-stop commitment. It seems every business you have started has been successful, and I think if you still have a dream of starting a small restaurant you should go for it! If I had a successful track record like you, I don't think I would feel as intimidated.
  13. I can't imagine how such an incident should result in 12 years or prison time. If this scandal was linked to a bigger crime, I see how it could possibly cost this poor guy some jail time, but I don't see this as such a big issue after viewing it at the surface level. If he really had the ammunition in there by accident, and had no malicious intent, I don't think it's fair to put this man under so much scrutiny. I understand Grand Turk has strict policies around firearms and ammunition, but it could really have just been a pretty honest mistake. I had a similar thing happen to me at the airport. I was flying back home from Peru and accidentally had an apple at the bottom of my bag. I was taken into questioning and asked if I was trying to smuggle seeds, and I of course said no. Then the bag was brought in and the apple that they found was exposed. Apparently I was trying to smuggle seeds into the US. I found it ridiculous, but the authorities were very serious and upset. Smuggling seeds would have never even crossed by mind. The apple wasn't even that good.
  14. @kefthecruiser Is this not your idea of a new and refreshed loyalty program? I could see how people could use it out by the pool but I also see how it could be used as a grocery bag. I don't think a tote is a really original VIFP gift. Tote bags are a staple go-to propaganda item. I think CCL could be more creative! What have been some of your favorite VIFP gifts @euroguy? The blanket was a cool, but not very practical to use onboard. A VIFP tumbler is a really practical gift!
  15. @LukeJ If the service is poor, I still feel obligated to tip something, even if it's $1, just to prove a point. Sometimes I think the waitstaff will just assume you are cheap or a bad tipper if you tip zero. If you tip an extremely low amount, I find it makes more of a statement than tipping absolutely nothing. It's even hard for me to tip a low amount if I'm being honest because I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes people have a bad day, and I try to show grace, but some service is downright horrible. It's rare, but that's the only time I will tip less than 20%. I think tipping is a much bigger thing in the US than it is in European countries from what I understand. Is that true?
  16. @Nurse Kathy Thankfully I was not impacted by this horrid collapse. The Baltimore Harbor will be reopening and has been confirmed in a recent update. Due to the terminal's current status, it's not likely cruise ships will be able operate from there for several weeks. The reopening date is still to be determined, but I'm keeping an eye out for confirmation on exact opening dates that should roll out in the next couple of weeks. Port of Baltimore should be opening up to cruise guests, resuming normal function before we know it. I will share any updates as they come.
  17. @LukeJ I much appreciate your conversations and how easy it is to communicate with you! I can imagine talking to your mom for such long periods isn't always ideal, but it's so special that you have been able to sustain such a nice bond with her through the years. Many children loose touch with their parents as they age. Owning your own business could be so fun! What business type was your favorite to own? Is there a business you haven't tried yet but would be interested to own? That personality type has its pros and cons. Always striving for more is a great way to be! It can lead to being easily unsatisfied because you are seeking for more. That can end up being a negative, but has it's pros depending on the circumstance! For instance, my husband is always doing a side hustle and dabbling in tons of random hobbies that keep him entertained. He's basically the hobby king. I don't mind it as long as he's still able to earn a sustainable income/benefits while doing it. At this stage in our life, his work is very important to the financial stability of our home. This situation you encountered in your previous work mentioned is such a shame. I don't blame you for not wanting to be employed by them anymore. They aren't loyal to you, so why should you be loyal to them? You can't feel happy there if the employer isn't treating you with any respect, and clearly they aren't.
  18. @LukeJ The impacts of becoming more sustainable are costing all industries more, and it is rubbing off on consumers. I love the mission, but the financial impacts are becoming quite evident. The financial implications were minimal in the beginning, but not they are becoming too vast. Cruise guests are clearly able to spend the extra because the industry is booming, but I'm noticing a huge shift in prices that I wasn't prepared for. I always want to cruise and have enough money to cruise comfortably but it's been hard to muster up the funds lately! I have to sacrifice itineraries, cruise length, or ships/lines in order to make it feasible for me now, and that wasn't always the case. Have you been impacted/noticed the price differences lately? I would rather just have to pay the older figures on an older ship than have to spend more for these shore-powered high-tech ships.
  19. @LukeJ All workplaces can be pretty unfair. Unfortunately many family businesses are like this. It's unfair to the employees because you are either in with the clique or you are not. The means certain employees get unfair advantages. I prefer to work for a corporate office instead of a family-owned business unless I know the family extremely well. I did work for a family business and was part of the family. I saw unfair advantages first-hand. I received unfair advantages, but I was also responsible for lots of extra things with other employees dropped to ball. The customers are always taken care of, no matter what! If a guests complains about the food. They get a gift card to compensate to keep them quiet and to not complain. It's not fair. I wish hard working employees like yourself were appreciated in other ways, not just financially. Sometimes it's so much more than a financial incentive, but kindness goes a long way. Many employers aren't very kind, and that can make the workplace miserable! A good boss/manager makes a world of difference.
  20. @Disappointed This doesn't come as a surprise. It's so unfortunate that NCL does this all the time to guests, changing around its itineraries left and right. At least NCL offered a little something for missing that time at the ports. NCL doesn't always even do that! It does sound very strategic that the ship chose to spend more time at its private island than at the other ports, but I'm sure there is more backstory as to why it all unfolded this way. The removal of excursions in the BVI is bizarre. If you continue to cruise with NCL, I would imagine these issues will continue. Unfortunately it's been this way for the past couple of years. I'm hopeful enough guests will speak up and it will spark change. Aside from theses itinerary issues, how are you enjoying the rest of your cruise? What other cruise lines have you tried in the past and enjoyed?
  21. @LukeJ It's a great character trait! I love talkative people that hold long conversations. You must talk on the phone with her for hours. My mom is like that and she talks on the phone for hours. Personally, I mostly just listen to her and our conversations still last over an hour. That's nice you enjoy long conversations too. My brother does not like long conversations so he cuts my mom short pretty much every phone conversation they have. You could sell watches or jewelry onboard. The shops are never too busy anyhow so you could actually enjoy the store! If only you could earn commission off of what you sold, but that would be pretty unlikely as a crew member.
  22. @LukeJ You are making me so interested to cruise to Scotland and Ireland! These are dream cruise destinations of mine but are so far off. The food, culture, and scenery are what mostly attract me to visit there. What time of year would you recommend a cruise to this region? I'm completely lost when it comes to climates on the other side of the world, but the photos always seem so green and spring-like. There is a new Aberdeen harbor in Scotland that would be lovely to explore!
  23. @lucy If you want to use your caregiving experience, you may want to apply to a cruise line and see if you could work in the kids clubs! In terms for free cruising, there is really no such thing. You have to earn that whether working for a cruise line or having some very niche "in" with a line (which is extremely rare). @LukeJ I love how this conversation all stemmed from @FJB's comment. Everyone jumped onboard with priesthood! A dancer is a paid profession onboard, but you have to have some serious rhythm. There is nothing wrong with cleaning the bathrooms but you have to be physically able to stand on your feet for long durations. Actually, most all professions onboard cruises require lots of stand time. You are a great conversation so I would expect you to be very skilled at working at an onboard shop!
  24. @LukeJ The cost of everything has gone up! The cost of cruising has totally been impacted by the price increases such as the changing food costs. I don't see how we could withstand the food prices going up any higher. It's not sustainable, but this is such a hypocritical statement because most of the princes increases stem from trying to operate in a more sustainable way. Most of these sustainable ways we are reverting towards happen to cost more and are ending up less sustainable than the previous ways. It's really upsetting. We are spending too much time and energy focusing on more energy efficiency but it's a waste. I don't foresee food prices ever going back to what they were due to this mission impossible of net-zero emissions. Maybe that statement sounds negative, but it's just my perspective.
  25. Carnival Paradise saves 27 refugees escaping Cuba last weekend. All 27 people were brought onboard the ship and properly nourished. The ship certainly saved the day and didn't even have to delay its projected itinerary! That's some serious skill. This wasn't the first rescue for Carnival Paradise; in fact the ship has made two other rescues, one in 2019 and the other more recently in 2022.
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