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Cruise Hive Boards

Paul Ewald

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Everything posted by Paul Ewald

  1. I feel the 100% cruise ship vaccinated crews & passengers is a prime example of false narrative's that the unvacinated person is causing outbreaks. A number of cruise lines have had covid outbreaks on their 100% vaccinated cruises. We have to live with covid, not mandate a protocol that is a false narrative. Masks and covid vaccines, 1st booster, 2nd booster, double masks, all have shown the vaccinated are passing covid onto other vaccinated passengers and crew members. The unvacinated are not welcomed on cruises as well as those unvacinated who had covid in the past. The latest variation of covid is mild. One should consult with their doctor for medical advice. The CDC has changed its protocols on covid more times than switchbacks on a mountain road. Based on politics, not science. Sad!!!
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